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一、现状及需求分析红塔集团2002年成功实施ERP系统后,企业信息化取得了很大的进展。计量管理由于其特殊性,不能简单地套用ERP软件,依然处于较粗放的管理方式。加之集团计量器具数量巨大,周检计划的动态数据维护量很大,使实施计量器具网络化管理,成为亟须解决的一个问题。按照I First, the status quo and needs analysis Hongta Group in 2002 after the successful implementation of the ERP system, enterprise information has made great progress. Due to its special measurement management, can not simply apply ERP software, is still in the more extensive management. Coupled with the huge number of measuring instruments of the Group and the large amount of maintenance of the dynamic data of the weekly inspection plan, the implementation of the networked management of measuring instruments has become an issue that urgently needs to be solved. Follow I
<正> 一 是谁首倡和促成提前撤销军务院 1916年护国战争中,西南独立各省于5月8日成立军务院,指挥全国军事,与袁世凯政权相对峙。在成立宣言中曾宣称,俟正式国务院依法(指民元《临时约法》)成立,并经由国会(指旧国会)同意后,军务院始行裁撤。但实际上军务院之裁撤,违
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