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香港近年学龄儿童人数减少,每年都有些地区的小学缩班,有些小学学位有空缺,造成资源和人力的浪费。因此,小学改全日制的呼声,在1987年内愈来愈响亮,但当局态度欠鲜明。 十一月份,多家报纸发表社论、专文或短评,评论小学全日制问题,大都认为应把目前占全港小学六分之五的半日制小学逐步改为全日制,并应通过改制来改进小学教育,有个别作者则分析了推行的困难,包括资源、学生接送,午膳及教师和家长的意愿等等。 十一月十八日,香港中文中学联会建议教育当局宣布小学全日制为教育政策,避免家长误认为缩班的小学才改全日制。旨在减少学童在外游荡时间,给予他们更多机会接受老师的辅导及参加有益身心的课外活动。 Hong Kong has witnessed a decrease in the number of school-age children in recent years. Every year, primary schools in some areas have shrunk. Some primary schools have vacancies, resulting in a waste of resources and manpower. Therefore, the voice of the primary school to change the full-time system became louder and louder in 1987, but the attitude of the authorities was not clear. In November, a number of newspapers published editorials, special reports or short commentary to comment on the issue of full-time primary schooling. Most of them think that half-day primary schools, which currently account for 5% of all primary schools in Hong Kong, should be gradually replaced by full-time ones and should be improved through primary schools Education, while individual authors analyzed the difficulties involved in implementation, including resources, student transfers, lunch breaks and the wishes of teachers and parents. On November 18, the Hong Kong Chinese Association of Secondary Schools suggested that the education authorities announce the full-time primary school education policy so as to prevent parents from mistaking for the whole-day system of primary schools which have been mistaken for narrowing classes. The aim is to reduce the time for schoolboys to wander out and give them more opportunities to be mentored by their teachers and take part in extra-curricular extra-curricular activities.
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