
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feileizuhe
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研究离子液体阳离子和阴离子在界面的排列具有意义,因为它们能够影响离子液体在界面的表面结构和属性。作为一种扫描探针显微技术,Kelvin探针力显微镜(KPFM)在本文中被用于室温下离子液体界面性质的研究。离子液体氯化(1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑)([Bmim]Cl)在本文中被用作研究对象。实验中,[Bmim]Cl被选择性地固定在亲液的化学修饰表面,形成超薄的固态吸附层和液滴。由于表面电势能够用于直接指示表面偶极子,因而对于检测分子的取向十分有用。利用KPFM获得的表面电势图表明[Bmim]Cl离子液体在气液界面(当离子液体以液滴形式存在)和气固界面(当离子液体以固态吸附层形式存在)呈现出不同的分子排列。我们的研究表明Kelvin探针力显微镜能够用于表征离子液体在界面的分子排列。 It is of interest to study the ionic liquid cation and anion alignment at the interface as they affect the surface structure and properties of the ionic liquid at the interface. As a scanning probe microscopy technique, Kelvin probe force microscope (KPFM) is used in this paper to study the interfacial properties of ionic liquids at room temperature. The ionic liquid chlorinated (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium) ([Bmim] Cl) is used herein as the subject of the study. In the experiment, [Bmim] Cl was selectively immobilized on the lyophilic chemically modified surface to form an ultra-thin solid adsorption layer and droplets. Since the surface potential can be used to direct the surface dipoles, it is useful to detect the orientation of the molecules. The surface potential diagrams obtained with KPFM show that the [Bmim] Cl ionic liquids exhibit different molecular arrangements at the gas-liquid interface (when the ionic liquid is in the form of droplets) and the gas-solid interface (when the ionic liquid is in the form of a solid adsorption layer). Our research shows that the Kelvin probe force microscope can be used to characterize the molecular alignment of ionic liquids at the interface.
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