骨盐除氟剂的高温再生研究 (摘要 )(英文)

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由饮水摄入过量氟所致的地方性氟中毒目前仍是我国和世界上一些地区的严重的公共卫生问题。作为一种粗制骨盐的骨炭可用来降低饮水中氟含量达到饮水标准。但是 ,频繁的再生且需较多的氢氧化钠作为再生剂 ,不仅使水处理费用高且家庭除氟中也难以掌握。基于骨盐中的氟可在 2 5 0~ 5 5 0℃高温下释放的现象 ,我们研究了一种对已结合较多氟的骨盐再生方法。以再生后骨炭的除氟容量为指标 ,研究了不同温度下再生规律。 3 5 0℃和 42 5℃处理的两组除氟容量均高于氢氧化钠组。用 3 5 0℃处理 0 .5~ 2 4 h,除氟容量为 2 .5 7~ 4.0 5 mg/g,有随着处理时间延长而上升的倾向。但在 42 5℃组 ,其范围为 2 .74~ 4.84mg/g,峰值 4.84mg/g位于处理 1 h处。在相同条件下 ,骨炭和再生骨盐两者再生后的除氟容量相似。在家庭除氟中此法为经济有效的再生方法 Endemic fluorosis caused by excessive intake of fluoride by drinking water is still a serious public health problem in our country and in some parts of the world. Bone charcoal, a crude bone salt, can be used to reduce the level of fluoride in drinking water to drinking water. However, the frequent regeneration and the need for more sodium hydroxide as a regenerant not only make the cost of water treatment high and the family can not grasp the de-fluoride. Based on the phenomenon that fluorine in bone salts can be released at a high temperature of 2550 to 5500C, we have studied a method of regenerating bone salts that have incorporated more fluorine. Taking the fluoride removal capacity of regenerated bones as an index, the regeneration rules at different temperatures were studied. The de-fluoride capacity of the two groups treated at 350 ℃ and 42 5 ℃ was higher than that of the sodium hydroxide group. Treating 0.55 ~ 2 4 h at 350 ℃ with the fluoride removal capacity of 2.57 ~ 4.0 5 mg / g, it tends to increase with the treatment time. However, in the 42 5 ℃ group, the range of 2.74 ~ 4.84mg / g, the peak value of 4.84mg / g at 1 h treatment. Under the same conditions, the freon removal capacity after regeneration of both bone charcoal and regenerated bone salt was similar. This method is a cost-effective method for the regeneration of fluoride in homes
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