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理解性教学是教学人员借助一定的教学条件在相互理解与自我理解的同时使自己生命意义得到更好地实现的过程。它以理解为教学目的,实现教学人员生命意义的多种可能性;发展教学人员善解人意的素质,使主体性与主体间性协调起来;凸现道德要求,使做人与为学水乳交融;调适感情生活,实现“情”“知”协调发展。 Understanding teaching is a process by which teaching staff can make their own meaning of life better realized through mutual understanding and self-understanding with certain teaching conditions. It is understood as teaching purposes, to achieve a variety of possibilities for teaching staff meaning of life; to develop the quality of understanding of the teaching staff, so that the subjectivity and inter-subjectivity; highlighting the moral requirements, make life and learning to blend; Life, to achieve “love ” “knowledge ” coordinated development.
In the 1980s,when China was experiencing the unprecedented tide of reform and opening-up which attracted worldwide attention,I had the honor of working along wi
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新闻事件: 2005年11月13日,中石油吉林石化公司双苯厂发生爆炸事故。除人员伤亡外,还造成约100吨苯类物质流入松花江,致使江水严重污染,沿岸数百万居民的生活受到极大影响,40
我科以人型结核菌 PPD-C、BCG-PPD 和植物血球凝集素(PHA)三联皮内注射,进行结核病的免疫诊断,已应用多年,现随机选择168例观察结果报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 PHA 系广州医