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北京切诺基吉普车上装用的汽油机,具有结构紧凑、使用寿命长、燃料消耗量低等优点。然而,它在山区使用3~4万公里后,容易发生窜气、窜油、拉缸和断环等故障。经研究分析认为,如驾修人员能严格按厂方要求去使用、维护,其使用寿命是可以大大延长的。为此,本文从以下几个方面谈点看法供用户参考。 Beijing Cherokee jeep loaded with gasoline engine, with a compact, long life, low fuel consumption and other advantages. However, after it has been used in the mountainous area for 30,000 to 40,000 kilometers, it is prone to blow-by gas, oil spill, pull cylinder and broken ring. According to research and analysis, if the driver can strictly use and maintain according to the requirements of the factory, its service life can be greatly prolonged. To this end, this article talks about the following points for users reference.
前   言微生物法提高原油采收率 ,即使在油价较低的情况下也具有获得投资效益的潜力。微生物提高原油采收率的机理有 :产生生物表面活性剂 ,减小油、水界面张力 ,提高驱油
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