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科学家对长度在 1μm以下的纳米管感兴趣 ,因为预计这样短的纳米管有很多化学性质 ,它们可望用作构筑纳米级结构的一维基体材料。合成的单壁碳纳米管一般长度在几微米 ,虽然有很多方法可用于切断纳米管 ,但这些方法可能污染纳米管材料或是严重损伤小直径的纳米管。美国Zyv Scientists are interested in nanotubes less than 1μm in length because the short nanotubes are expected to have many chemistries and are expected to be used as one-dimensional matrix materials for building nanoscale structures. Synthetic single-walled carbon nanotubes are typically several microns in length and although there are many ways to cut nanotubes, these methods can contaminate the nanotube material or severely damage small diameter nanotubes. United States Zyv
Thepipelinesarethemostsafetypeoftransport,howeverits protection problem ,preventionofpumpedproductleakagesbecomesmoreandmoreacuteb Thepipelinesarethemostsafetypeoftransport, howeveritsprofession problem, preventionofpumpedproductleakagesbecomesmoreandmor
The adsorption of phenol and nitrophenols on hypercrosslinked polymeric adsorbent was studied as a function of the solution concentration and temperature. Adsor
Catalytic partial oxidation of methane to syngas using the lattice oxygen of La1-xSrxFeO3 perovskite oxide catalysts in place of molecular oxygen was studied. L
电解质溶液广泛存在于自然界以及各种工业生产过程 ,在化工、冶金、地质、海洋和环保等领域都需要有关电解质溶液热力学的理论来探讨问题的本质 ,提高应用水平和扩大应用范围
前   言微生物法提高原油采收率 ,即使在油价较低的情况下也具有获得投资效益的潜力。微生物提高原油采收率的机理有 :产生生物表面活性剂 ,减小油、水界面张力 ,提高驱油
An ultrafine Ru-B amorphous alloy catalyst was prepared by chemical reduction with KBH4 in aqueous solution, which exhibited perfect selectivity to sorbitol (~1
The theoretical study of reaction between PH2 and NO on the ground state potential energy surface is reported by using molecular orbital ab initio calculation a
本文提出的磨碎细粒水泥浆提供了一种密封井的有效方法。这种方法降低了封堵及报废井的作业成本 ,而且本身简单易行。并有各种实例可供参考。 The finely grained grout pro
塔东南盆地发育侏罗系陆相煤系地层和白垩系红层 ,勘探程度低。为研究中生代地层的分布和对比 ,沉积特征及勘探方向 ,重点对侏罗系进行了露头层序地层学分析。建立了五个三级