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我们机务段是一个设备较老的洗检段,随着运输任务的日益增加,洗检机车愈来愈多,原有设备已经满足不了生产发展的需要。是伸手向国家要投资、要设备?还是走“独立自主、自力更生”的道路?工人师付坚定的回答:我们要奋发图强,自力更生,走“鞍钢宪法”的道路。工人师付说干就干,在党核心小组、军管组的领导下,经过多次反复试验,终于在气焊机方面,进行了五项改革,使一台气焊机能顶两台用,提高了生产效率、搬运轻快、适合战备需要。主要改进(图1)如下:1.在乙炔罐上加装一个回火器,同时把氧气表上的出氧管改成 Y 型管。这样就可以接两个焊枪(或切割器)同时作业; Our locomotive depot is an older piece of equipment for sewer inspection. With the increasing number of transportation tasks, inspection locomotives are getting more and more. The original equipment can not meet the needs of production and development. Is to reach out to the country to invest, to equipment? Or take the “independent, self-reliance” road? Workers to pay the firm answer: We must make efforts to make our own efforts, take the “Ansteel Constitution” of the road. Under the leadership of the Party’s core group and the military control unit, after repeated experiments and trials, workers in the gas welding machine finally carried out five reforms in order to make it possible for one gas welding machine to top two units and raise Production efficiency, handling light, suitable for combat readiness. The main improvements (Figure 1) are as follows: 1. In the acetylene tank to install a back burner, while the oxygen meter on the oxygen tube into a Y-tube. This will take two torches (or cutter) at the same time operation;
在用于测量具有间断表面制件(如在外圆磨床上磨制花键轴)的自动量仪中,测杆的阻尼和闭销方法有很多,大多数是采用电动的.也有部份是用价格昂贵的阻尼和闭锁系统. 微型、快速
我们锻工车间在厂党总支的领导下,坚持走“鞍钢宪法”的道路,大搞技术革新,在750公斤空气锤上试用热挤压工艺锻造离合器齿轮,取得了可喜的成绩. 我们的试验是在胎模锻造的基
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日前,纳米压印光刻(nano-imprint lithography)技术的主要供应商之一Molecular Imprints Inc.(MII)宣称,纳米压印技术已被纳入2003版的国际半导体蓝图(ITRS)。纳米压印光刻
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