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为探讨老年妇女外阴阴道炎之病因临床表现、诊断及治疗方法,对老年妇女外阴阴道炎24例进行临床分析,通过对阴道分泌物涂片、分泌物细菌培养及药物敏感试验,PCR检测,阴道脱落细胞学等方法,发现在老年外阴阴道炎常见于绝经后的老年妇女,卵巢功能减退,雌激素水平降低,粘膜变薄,上皮细胞内糖原减少,阴道内pH值上升,局部抵抗力降低,致病菌入侵繁殖引起炎症。其主要临床表现为阴道分泌物增多,外阴阴道瘙痒,阴道灼热感,检查见阴道是老年性改变,皱壁消失,上皮变薄,诊断主要根据其临床表现,分泌物涂片、阴道脱落细胞涂片、雌激素水平测定进行诊断。治疗原则为增加阴道抵抗力和抑制细菌生长。除一般性治疗外,对严重病例使用尼尔雌醇治疗,可提高阴道上皮抗炎能力,对治疗老年性阴道炎有特殊作用。 In order to explore the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of vulvovaginitis in elderly women, clinical analysis of 24 cases of vulvovaginitis in elderly women was carried out. Through vaginal discharge smear, bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test, PCR test, Exfoliative cytology and other methods, found in the elderly vulvar vaginitis common in postmenopausal elderly women, ovarian dysfunction, decreased estrogen levels, mucosal thinning, glycogen reduction in epithelial cells, increased intravaginal pH, local resistance decreased Pathogenic bacteria invade and cause inflammation. The main clinical manifestations of increased vaginal discharge, vulvar vaginal itching, vaginal burning sensation, check the vagina is senile changes, wrinkled walls disappear, thinning of the epithelium, the diagnosis is mainly based on their clinical manifestations, smear secretions, vaginal exfoliated cells coated Tablets, estrogen levels for diagnosis. The principle of treatment is to increase vaginal resistance and inhibit bacterial growth. In addition to the general treatment, the use of nilestriol in severe cases of treatment, can increase the anti-inflammatory capacity of the vaginal epithelium, the treatment of senile vaginitis has a special role.
患者 35岁。孕 2 0 +周。孕 4产 1,人流 2。染色体检查为 45 ,XX ,der(13 ;14) (13qter— 13q10 ∶∶ 14q10 —14qter) ,丈夫与儿子均为 46 ,XY。患者曾两次孕 2 +~ 3+月胎死宫内而行清宫术
目的 :为探讨治疗输卵管性不孕症的有效方法。方法 :对 48例输卵管性不孕症患者 ,除了积极治疗原发病 (如结核性输卵管炎等 )外 ,均采用强的松周期递减、辅中药通管Ⅰ号煎服
子宫内膜异位症是妇科较常见的疾病 ,病灶多见于盆腔、子宫、卵巢 ,而会阴切口子宫内膜异位症较少见。我院自 1990~ 1998年共收治 15例会阴子宫内膜异位症 ,现报道如下。1 临
基因因素与BMD和骨量变异有关。基因对血清骨钙素和Ⅰ型前胶原的羧基末端多肽有很大影响;Vitamin D受体基因变异影响骨转化指标。骨激活激素如1,25(OH)_2D_3和雌二醇部分通过