巴曲酶对大鼠大脑缺血及缺血再灌注ET_1 基因表达的影响(英文)

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本实验采用大鼠急性脑缺血及缺血再灌注模型,研究巴曲酶对脑缺血及脑缺血再灌注时内皮素(ET1)基因表达的影响。用中大脑动脉(MCA)线检法大鼠模型,共12只,分为缺血组及缺血再灌注组(每组各6只),每组又分为巴曲酶组及盐水组(对照组)。缺血组在缺血后24h,再灌注组则在缺血1.5h及再灌注24h后用原位杂交,并采用IBHS图像分析系统研究ET1基因表达。发现巴曲酶组或对照组手术侧大脑皮质及尾壳核ET1mRNA表达均显著高于对侧(非手术侧)。但是巴曲酶组手术侧的ET1mRNA表达显著低于对照组。结果提示,巴曲酸可使缺血及缺血再灌注ET1基因表达下调。这可能是巴曲酶对缺血再灌注的脑保护作用机理之一。 In this study, we used rat model of acute cerebral ischemia and reperfusion to study the effect of batroxobin on endothelin (ET1) gene expression after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. A rat model of middle cerebral artery (MCA) line examination was established. A total of 12 rats were divided into ischemia group and ischemia-reperfusion group (6 rats in each group), each group was divided into batroxobin group and saline group Control group). The ischemic group 24h after ischemia, reperfusion group was in situ 1.5h after ischemia and 24h reperfusion in situ hybridization, and IBHS image analysis system ET1 gene expression. It was found that the ET1mRNA expression in the cortex and caudate putamen of the batroxobin group or the control group was significantly higher than that of the contralateral (non-surgical) side. However, the ET1mRNA expression in the batroxobin group was significantly lower than that in the control group. The results suggest that baicalic acid can down-regulate the expression of ET1 gene after ischemia and reperfusion. This may be one of the mechanisms of cerebral protection of batroxobin on ischemia-reperfusion.
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