
来源 :第一军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mywillz
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α-地中海贫血(简称α-地贫)是一种遗传性溶血性血液疾病,也是世界上最常见的单基因遗传病之一。该病高发于从地中海沿岸的意大利、希腊、马耳他、塞浦路斯到东南亚各国的广大地区。我国南方也是本病的高发地区。全国29个省、市、自治区90万人血红蛋白病调查结果表明,人群 Alpha-thalassemia (alpha-thalassemia) is a hereditary hemolytic hematologic disorder and one of the most common single-gene disorders in the world. The disease is high in Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus and vast areas of Southeast Asia from the Mediterranean coast. Southern China is also a high incidence of the disease. Survey of hemoglobinopathies in 900,000 people in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China showed that the population
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给24 日龄雌性大鼠皮下埋植孕酮硅胶棒,2 天后再连续9 天( 每天2 次) 注射低剂量h C G(1 .5 I U) 后,分别观察了卵巢形态、血清激素含量。结果发现,实验组大鼠卵巢重量增加,呈多囊性改变,卵泡颗粒细
The catalysts Ni/Al2O3, Ni/ZrO2-CeO2-Al2O3 and Ni/CuO-ZrO2-CeO2-Al2O3 were prepared by the co-precipitation method at a pH of 9 using Na2CO3 as the precipitant.