
来源 :中国人民解放军军医进修学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdcjr
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人体大循环(指心脏、大血管)和小循环(肺循环)对生命的重要性早已为人们所熟悉,但以微动脉、微静脉和毛细血管网为基本单位的微循环尚未得到医学界广泛的重视。微循环是循环系统的终末通道,占人血管分布的99%以上,是维持组织正常代谢的要重场所。微循环中血管,血流和功能的异常是许多疾病的病理基础,故微循环的研究甚为重要。外周微循环(指甲皱、眼球结合膜和眼底血管微循环)是全身微循环的一部分。大量临床实践证明外周微循环的改变虽不能完全代表内脏的微循环,但在一定程度上它可以 The importance of life to the circulatory system (heart, large blood vessels) and circulatory system (pulmonary circulation) has long been known, but microcirculation based on arterioles, venules, and capillary networks has not been widely accepted by the medical community Pay attention. Microcirculation is the terminal channel of the circulatory system, accounting for more than 99% of the distribution of human blood vessels, is to maintain the normal metabolism of the organization of the most important places. Microcirculation vascular, abnormalities in blood flow and function are pathological basis for many diseases, so the study of microcirculation is very important. Peripheral microcirculation (nail wrinkles, ocular conjunctiva and fundus microcirculation) is part of systemic microcirculation. A large number of clinical trials have shown that although the changes in the peripheral microcirculation can not completely represent the internal microcirculation, but to some extent it can
Alzheimer 氏病(AD)除有皮层胆碱能缺乏而外,纹状体多巴胺水平也可降低,这意味着同时有锥体外系功能障碍。本文作者对 AD 的锥体外系体征作了系统的研究。 Alzheimer’s di
好发于长骨干骺端的骨巨细胞瘤较常见,但颅骨巨细胞瘤则十分罕见。1983年我们收治2例,均经X线照片,手术及病理证实,现报导如下: 病例1,男,36岁,工人,住院号177001,患者左耳
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Soil macronutrients(i.e. nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)) are important soils components and knowing the spatial distribution of these parameters a
王妈妈对我说,儿子要入园了,好紧张哦。真怕他哭个一两月,身体可吃不消。我说,为什么哭啊?王妈妈一脸诧异:分离焦虑,你没听说过吗?宝宝入园都要经历这个坎儿,很痛苦的! Wan
用肝素治疗脑梗塞时,出血是最常见的并发症,但各家资料不一。作者分析了510例用肝素治疗的缺血性脑血管病(ischemic cerebral vascular disease,ICVD)住院病人应用肝素引起
本文用扫描电镜和光镜对比方法观察10例蛛网膜下腔出血早期和纤维增生期的病理改变,纤维增生以蛛网膜下腔血管周围明显,其次是蛛网膜和小梁。 In this paper, scanning elec