The Tragedy of the Duchess:A Comment on My Last Duchess

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  Abstract:Robert Browning (1812-1889),one of the foremost Victorian poets,is famous for his mastery of dramatic monologue and psychological portrait. However,few studies have been specialized in his presentation of female figures and his attitude towards women in the Victorian Era. Based on the feminist literary criticism,the thesis attempts to analyze the tragedy of the Duchess in "My Last Duchess",one of Browning's representative works,aiming at revealing women's tragic fate and illustrating the poet's sympathetic attitude towards females who were suppressed in the male-dominated society.
  Keywords:My Last Duchess; The Duchess; Tragedy
  Robert Browning (1812-1889),one of the foremost Victorian poets,is famous for his mastery of dramatic monologue and psychological portrait. Most scholars agree that “Browning’s place in English literature is based to a great extent on his contribution to the poetic genre of dramatic monologue,the form he adopted for a large portion of his works.”[1]Browning is held in high critical esteem,and admired by his contemporaries and later generations mainly for his use of dramatic monologue. However,few studies have been specialized in his presentation of female figures and his attitude towards women in the Victorian Era. Based on the feminist literary criticism,the thesis attempts to analyze the tragedy of the Duchess in "My Last Duchess",one of Browning's representative works,aiming at revealing women's tragic fate and illustrating the poet's sympathetic attitude towards females who were suppressed in the male-dominated society.
  2、Feminist Literary Criticism
  Feminist literary criticism can be traced back to the women’s liberation movement during the late 1960s. Generally,it exists to counter,resist,and eventually eliminate the traditions and conventions of patriarchy-the ideology or belief system which sees as “natural” the dominance and superiority of men over women in both private and public contexts-as it exists in literary,historical,and critical contexts.[2]
  The feminist criticism can be divided into three parts:they are French,American and British,just as Showalter summarized,"English feminist criticism essentially Marxist,stresses oppression; French feminist criticism essentially psychoanalytic,stress repression; American feminist criticism essentially textual,stresses expression."[3]
  “Virginia Woolf is the forerunner,indeed the ‘mother’ of the contemporary Anglo-American feminism.” She inherited the tradition of the 19th century women novelists and wrote a great number of novels and essays about women’s lives and women issues. Besides,she made a deep analysis to the phenomenon of the oppression of women in history. Simone de Beauvoir was one of the most preeminent French existentialist philosophers and writers. Her most famous and influential work,The Second Sex,predicts a feminist revolution and remains to be the Bible of Feminism. Her main thesis is "throughout history,women have been reduced to objects for men:woman' has been constructed as man's Other,denied the right to her own subjectivity and to responsibility for her own actions.”
  Despite the diversity of the approaches,all feminist criticism are linked by a common aim,sharing some common focused. In practice,feminist literary criticism is not limited to texts written and read by women,for its interest is not only in how women have been treated in books,but also in the notion of the patriarchal society to them. Its target may include stereotypes of any of these groups seen as inferior from the point of view of an established patriarchal order,or the exclusion of such groups created by such a point of view (or ideological bias) in literary history.Thus,it is of great help to use such a theory to analyze Browning’s poem“My Last Duchess”,especially the tragedy of the Duchess in the poem.
  3、The Tragedy of The Duchess
  “My Last Duchess”is an excellent example of Browning’s use of dramatic monologue. The subtitle "Ferrara",which names an Italian city famous during the Renaissance,gives us the setting for it. This poem is probably based on historical incidents involving the Duke of Ferrara whose first wife mysteriously died after they had been married for three years. The background of the poem is interesting,but the text is difficult to understand. In the poem,it is not clear that the Duke murders his last Duchess,as no direct evidence is shown. However,readers may sense that the Duke brings about her death from indirect allusions. We learn about the Duke by what he says and how he says it. Through him,we also learn about his last Duchess. In short,we learn a great deal about the tragedy of the Duchess from the perspective of the loss of her voice and then dig out the deep causes behind it.The Loss of Her Voice
  In her work Sexual Politics,Kate Millett comments that "The image of women as we know it is an image created by men and fashioned to suit their needs. These needs spring from a fear of the otherness' of woman. Yet this notion itself presupposes that patriarchy has already been established and the male has already set himself as the human form,the subject and referent to which the female is other' or alien."[4]
  Therefore,in such a male-dominated society,Victorian women were so marginalized and oppressed by the patriarchal consciousness that they could not express their own voices freely and even when they spoke out their opinions,they were nearly not heard by men and the society.
  The Duchess in the poem is such a female image that remains both faceless and voiceless. The monologue begins with the Duke telling an emissary,"That's my last Duchess painted on the wall/Looking as if she were alive." Immediately,readers infer that the Duchess is now dead,since she merely "looks as if she were alive." The portrait of the Duchess symbolizes the Duke's possessive and controlling nature as the Duchess has become an art object which he owns and controls. She is totally in the condition of "loss of voice" now.
  Standing in front of the portrait of the Duchess,the Duke talks about her failings and imperfections,"She had a heart-how shall I say?-too soon made glad,too easily impressed Who'd stoop to blame this sort of trifling? Even had you skill in speech-(which I have not)-to make your will quite clear to such an one,and say,Just this or that in you disgusts me; here you miss,or there exceed the mark".
摘 要:本文从苏轼的人生追求,文人画理论以及艺术创作谈三个方面来论述苏轼的美学思想。其美学思想的核心是“念念不住”“无意于佳”“意求”以及“美丑观”。  关键词:人生追求;文人画理论;诗画本一律;无意于佳;无法与有法;美丑观    一、苏轼的人生追求    北宋时期新党和旧党纷争剧烈,而处在这个时期的苏轼是一个悲情人物,他处处受到迫害,一次次远贬他乡,可谓是“半身落魄已成翁”。但是苏轼却不是一个消
摘 要:该文根据全军后勤保障方式社会化改革的思想,在军以上机关院校、科研院所推行饮食保障社会化的基础上,研究了军以下作战部队如何借助地方资源优势进行保障改革,提出了实行保障过程和保障范围“半社会化”的概念,并对其意义和实现方式進行了探讨。  关键词:航空兵;场站;饮食;保障    随着军队后勤改革的逐渐深入,军队后勤保障社会化已经初见成效,特别是饮食保障社会化正在我军非作战部队推广得如火如荼,而对
摘 要:中国与古朝鲜之间的政治联系和文化交流最早可追溯到商末周初。在古朝鲜文化中,受中国影响最大的莫过于它的哲学思想,主要表现在儒教和佛教方面。本文主要从发展史的角度介绍了佛教东传以后的兴起、发展和衰落的过程以及佛教在古朝鲜本土化的过程及由此引起的两国之间的文化交流。  关键词:佛教;古朝鲜;交流;禅宗    中国与朝鲜半岛唇齿相依,自古以来在文化上就有至为密切的联系。中国古有箕子去国的故事,在中
摘 要:“同罪异罚”是古代刑法的一大特色,同时也是宗法制和等级制在法律上的体现。同罪异罚是“准五服以制罪”,以及“八议”“官当”的具体落实体现,它贯之以等级名分观念,对维护中国的传统法制起着重要的作用,那么它的意识根源于何?本文就此做了思考,粗浅的谈了一下自己的认识。  关键字:同罪异罚;礼治;宗法制    同罪异罚,就是中国古代对实施相同犯罪的人,因其特殊身份而施以不同刑罚的一种制度。中国自周朝
摘 要:理论联系实际是搞好两课教学的一条重要原则,能协调教与学两个环节,调动两个积极性,使二者达到理想的和谐状态,取得良好的教学效果。  关键词:两课;实际;教学原则;教学效果    理论联系实际,是我们党的优良作风,是辩证唯物主义认识论对教学的要求,是学生认识活动规律的反映,也是社会主义教学目的——学以致用的要求。两课既是智育课,又是德育课:既要使学生掌握马克思主义政治理论的基础知识,懂得做人的
摘 要:“五四”运动以后,中国女性开始用一种崭新的眼光审视自我、追寻自我并超越自我。本文以“五四”女性作品为依托,对女性冲破家庭牢笼进行自我角色的追寻与超越进行了剖析。  关键词:自我;追寻;超越    从“五四”新文化运动开始,人们才开始对“人”这个名词开始关注和尊重。他们除了清算几千年来的人性压抑以外,还把女性从黑暗的地狱里拯救出来,奏响了妇女解放的序曲。这诚如李大钊所言:“二十世纪是被压迫阶
摘 要:作者提出当前小学生在说和写教学方面存在的问题,提出从哪些方面解决,加强口语训练,增加阅读量和适当改变课堂教学方式等提高学生的写作能力。  关键词:语文;说;写;衔接    现代小学生喜欢张扬个性,平时爱与人交流,尤其是同学间聊天,更是“说不尽道不完”。按常理,会“说”应该也会“写”,可事实不尽如人意,学生会写作文的很少,普遍害怕作文、厌烦作文、写不好作文。从客观上来看,“说”和“写”确实有
摘 要:话语标记语是在语言使用过程中不影响话语真值含义,对话语的理解和生成起明示导向作用的一类标记。本文以Verschueren的顺应理论为框架,利用收集的语料,从语境动态性和顺应性角度出发,分析了话语标记语so在话语中的主要语用功能;最后探讨了so的顺应性特征,即so的使用是与语言使用者的心理世界和社交世界相互顺应的结果。  关键词:话语标记语;so;语用功能;顺应性    1、引言    话语
摘 要: 化学老师若在教学中恰当引用一两句诗词,化学老师把化学与诗词巧妙结合,有画龙点睛之功效,不仅便于设置悬念,创设情境,开阔视野,活跃气氛,集中学生注意力,在诗情画意中激起学生强烈的求知欲望,并进而使其学习化学的兴趣不断高涨,又能大大改变了学生对化学老师敬而远之的印象,激发他们学习化学的热情,而且还能对提高学生的综合素质大有裨益。  关键词:化学教学;诗词;美化;激趣    原子论和分子学说的
摘 要:唐代李白(公元701年-762年)的诗“长干行”在中国是一篇名著。美国映像派诗人艾兹拉.庞德用“河商妻子的一封信”为题用英文重写了它,这篇作品很好的表达了原著的艺术含义。庞德的作品可以被当做是中国古诗翻译的很好例子,其贴切地抓住了中国诗歌的映像。美国翻译理论家奈达提出了他的翻译概念“动态对等”,用其来阐释翻译,本文运用他的观点来解释和分析庞德这篇作品。  关键词:映像主义;翻译;艺术;意义