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国家权力的正当性,需要在履行国家人权义务过程中来加以证成,证成性的不够或缺失,会削弱国家权力的正当性。国家权力必须以履行国家人权义务来证成国家权力的正当性。国家是人权实现的最主要的人权义务主体。国家人权义务,从类型来说,主要有道德义务、法定义务和现有义务。国家人权义务关键在于国家公权力在动态中把这三种类型的国家人权义务及时递进转化,才能证成国家权力的正当性。 The legitimacy of state power needs to be proved in the process of fulfilling the human rights obligations of the state. The insufficiency or lack of proof can weaken the legitimacy of state power. State power must demonstrate the legitimacy of state power by fulfilling its human rights obligations. The state is the main human rights obligation body to realize human rights. National human rights obligations, in terms of type, have mainly moral obligations, statutory obligations and existing obligations. The key to the national obligation of human rights lies in that the public power of the state transforms the human rights obligations of these three types of countries in a timely manner in time to prove the legitimacy of state power.
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