三论“国家证明权”(之一) 国家必须提供公证的义务

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目前,理论界和司法界普遍认为,公证制度生存和建立的根本在于“国家证明权”。在立法前提上,“国家证明权”是公证法律制度存在、发展的基础和根源,规定着公证发展的方向。1994年3月2日司法部在给广东司法厅的《司法部关于我国公证制度和公证书效力的复函》中明确指出:“我国公证制度是国家司法制度的组成部分,公证处是行使国家证明权的机关。”该函同时指出:“《中华人民共和国公证暂行条例》第三条规定:‘公证处是国家公证机关。’”因此,我国各地设立的公证处是行使国家证明权的机关(当然也包括司法证明权),代表国家统一行使公证证明职能。律师事务所出具的法律意见书或其他机关的证明,均不具有公证的效力。司法部在其他具有法规性质的法律文件中也多次使用了“国家证明权”的概念。在贯彻国务院2000年批准的《关于深化公证工作改革的方案》的过程中,司法部领导和有关部门反复强调,“公证与律师、仲裁及其它制度最本质的区别,在于公证行使国家证明权,公证行业要研究国家证明权的基本属性和运行规律。”理论界和司法界对“国家证明权”这一问题的认识还有诸多误区,绝大部分高校教材尚未涉及到国家证明权的概念。在未来,深化公证工作改革和进行公证立法,都必须在理论上首先深入研究“国家证明权”这一根本问题。 At present, theorists and judicial circles generally hold the view that the notarial system is basically rooted in the “right of state certification.” On the premise of legislation, “the power of national proof” is the basis and source of the existence and development of notarial legal system, and stipulates the direction of notarization. On March 2, 1994, the Ministry of Justice explicitly stated in the “Reply of the Ministry of Justice on the Validity of China’s Notary System and Notarial Certificate” to the Guangdong Justice Department: “China’s notarial system is an integral part of the national judicial system and the notary office exercises The letter of the state also states: ”Article 3 of the Provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Notary Provisions stipulates: ’The notary office is a state notarial office.’“ Therefore, notary offices set up in various parts of China are the countries (Including, of course, the right to judicial confirmation), and exercise the functions of notarization on behalf of the state. Law firms issued by the legal opinion or other organs of the certificate, not a notarized effect. The Ministry of Justice has also used the concept of ”national proof of rights“ many times in other legal documents of a regulatory nature. In carrying out the ”Proposal on Deepening Notarization Work Reform“ approved by the State Council in 2000, the leaders of the Ministry of Justice and the relevant departments have repeatedly emphasized that ”the most essential difference between notarization and lawyers, arbitration and other systems lies in the notarization of the exercise of the right of national certification , Notarization industry to study the basic attributes and operating law of national proof. “Theory and the judiciary on the ” national proof “There are many misunderstandings on the issue, the vast majority of college textbooks have not yet involved the country to prove Concept of right. In the future, deepening the reform of notarization work and notarizing legislation must, first of all, in theory study the fundamental issue of ”national proof power."
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