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生态问题同科学技术进步的管理问题同属于现代的全局性问题。当前,人们正在详细研究它们在全局性问题构成中的相互联系和相互作用。生态问题同科学技术发展之间不断增长的依从性表明,它们之间正在构成一定的统一性和某种整体性。本文试图考察某些反映在科学技术进步内容和特点方面的生态学问题。1.生态学问题的准则当前,关于全局性问题的定义有多种多样,其标志也不尽相同,一般认为,“所谓全局性问题就是指涉及到全人类的利益,同时又涉及到每一个人和每一个一般社会集团的某种利益的问题。它们影响着今天人类和后代的命运,实质上是未来人类的物质和精神前途问题。”全局性问题很特殊,解决这些问题的性质和形式需要考虑到以下几个方面的问题:①当前人类基本的社会共性(社会经济制度和在其中建立的国家)之间的相互关系,包括和平 The management of ecological problems and the progress of science and technology belong to the modern global problems. At present, people are studying in detail their interlinkages and interactions in the formation of global problems. The growing adherence between ecological issues and the development of science and technology shows that they are forming a certain unity and certain integrity. This article attempts to examine some of the ecological issues reflected in the content and characteristics of scientific and technological progress. 1. Criteria for Ecological Problems At present, there are many definitions of global problems and their signs are not the same. Generally speaking, “the so-called global problems refer to the interests of all mankind and meanwhile involve each one Human beings and every general social group, which affect the fate of today's humanity and future generations and are in substance the future material and spiritual future of humankind. ”Global issues are special and the nature and form of addressing these problems There are several issues that need to be considered: (1) the interrelationship between the basic social commonality of mankind today (the socio-economic system and the country in which it is established), including peace
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