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盐环定扬黄工程设计流量为11m3/s,设有泵站11座,总装机容量为6.13万kW,总干渠全长97km.输变电工程有220kV变电站一座,输电线路38km;110kV变电站7座,输电线路85km.35kV变电站3座,输电线路27km;6kV输电线路28km.无线电通信工程以120路微波、长81.2km作主干线;特高频166km,电缆线路68km为分支线的综合通信网络,控制面积1.2万km2.通信系统中已预留了1/3的通道作为计算机远方监控调度系统之用.由于沿线呈梯级布置的11座泵站以及为其供电的11座大中型专用变电所相距遥远,目标分散,系统复杂,信息量大.为提高泵站自动化水平,在盐环定扬黄工程管理处(所在地为吴忠市)设立中心调度所一座,对灌区的11座泵站及其相应的11座专用变电所实现以计算机为核心的远方监控调度自动化.目前,先在五泵站实现综合自动化,与调度中心相连,积累技术及运行管理经验,为将来全面实现远方监控调度自动化打下坚实的基础. Yanhuan Ding Yang project design flow of 11m3 / s, with 11 pumping stations, with a total installed capacity of 61,300 kW, the total length of 97 km of the main canal. Power transmission project has a 220kV substation, transmission line 38km; 110kV substation 7, transmission line 85km. 35kV substation 3, transmission line 27km; 6kV transmission line 28km. Radio communication project with 120 microwaves, 81.2km long as the main line; UHF 166km, 68km cable lines for the branch of the integrated communications network, the control area of ​​12,000 km2. Communication system has reserved a third of the channel as a computer remote monitoring and scheduling system. Due to the distance between the 11 pump stations arranged along the road and the 11 large and medium-sized special substations for power supply, the targets are scattered, the system is complex and the information is large. In order to improve the automation level of the pump station, a central dispatching center was set up in Yanhuan Dingyang Yellow Project Management Office (located in Wuzhong City), and 11 computerized pumping stations and 11 corresponding special substations in the irrigated area were realized with a computer as the core Remote monitoring and scheduling automation. At present, the first comprehensive automation of the five pump stations, connected with the dispatching center, accumulated technical and operational management experience, laying a solid foundation for the future to fully realize the remote monitoring and dispatching automation.
例1 女,10岁.咳嗽、胸痛、胸闷3d.查体:双侧外耳道内多发黏液瘤.血压82.5/45.0mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),心率118次/min,律齐,三尖瓣区闻及2/VI级收缩期吹风样杂音,随体位改变杂音性质有所改变.胸部CT提示:右肺栓塞。
“浪奔,浪流,浪里分不清悲欢和忧愁,淘尽了世间事,化作滔滔潮流……”。上海这个东方的巴黎,多少英雄在这里演绎出荡气回肠的故事…… “Waves, waves, the waves can not t
设计流速偏低是造成渠道淤积的主要原因之一,从加大设计流速入手,在工程设计阶段,使设计流速在满足不冲要求的前提下足够大,从而达到防止淤积的目的。 Low design flow rate is