Friction and wear behavior of TiC particle reinforced ZA43 matrix composites

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenyang0623
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TiC/ZA43 composites were fabricated by XD TM and stirring casting techniques. The tribology properties of the unreinforced ZA43 alloy and the composites were studied by using a block on ring apparatus. Experimental results show that the incorporation of TiC particles improves the microstructure of ZA43 matrix alloy. The coefficient of friction μ and the width of worn groove decrease with the increase of TiC volume fraction φ (TiC). The width of worn groove and μ of the composite during wear testing increase with increasing the applied load. Metallographic examinations reveal that unreinforced ZA43 alloy has deep ploughing grooves with obvious adhesion phenomenon, whereas TiC/ZA43 composites have smooth worn surface. Delamination formation is related to the fatigue cracks and the shear cracks on the surface. [ TiC / ZA43 composites were fabricated by XD ™ and stirring casting techniques. The tribology properties of the unreinforced ZA43 alloy and the composites were studied by using a block on ring apparatus. Experimental results show that the incorporation of TiC particles improves the microstructure of ZA43 matrix The coefficient of friction μ and the width of worn groove decrease with the increase of TiC volume fraction φ (TiC). The width of worn groove and μ of the composite during wear testing increase with increasing the applied load. Metallographic examinations reveal that unreinforced ZA43 alloy has deep plowing grooves with obvious adhesion phenomenon, but TiC / ZA43 composites have smooth worn surface. Delamination formation is related to the fatigue cracks and the shear cracks on the surface. [
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