来源 :Journal of Systems Science and Complexity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengfengye
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A fluid buffer model with Markov modulated input-output rates is considered.When traffic intensity is near its critical value, the system is known as in heavy traffic.It is shown that a suitably scaled sequence of the equilibrium buffer contents has a weakor distributional limit under heavy traffic conditions. This weak limit is a functional of adiffusion process determined by the Markov chain modulating the input and output rates.The first passage time of the reflected process is examined. It is shown that the mean firstpassage time can be obtained via a solution of a Dirichlet problem. Then the transitiondensity of the reflected process is derived by solving the Kolmogorov forward equation witha Neumann boundary condition. Furthermore, when the fast changing part of the generatorof the Markov chain is a constant matrix, the representation of the probability distributionof the reflected process is derived. Upper and lower bounds of the probability distributionare also obtained by means of asymptotic e A fluid buffer model with Markov modulated input-output rates is considered. The traffic intensity is near its critical value, the system is known as in heavy traffic. It is shown that a balanced scaled sequence of the equilibrium buffer contents has a weak distributional limit under heavy traffic conditions. This weak limit is a functional of adiffusion process determined by the Markov chain modulating the input and output rates. The first passage time of the reflected process is examined. Then the transition intensity of the reflected process is derived by solving the Kolmogorov forward equation witha Neumann boundary condition. Furthermore, when the fast changing part of the generator of the Markov chain is a constant matrix, the representation of the probability distributionof the reflected process is derived. Upper and lower bounds of the probability distributionare also obtained by mean s of asymptotic e
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儿子胆小懦弱,巨星父亲心生惭愧  2011年春,拍完史诗影片《建党伟业》后,陈坤又像往常一样,给儿子优优带着玩具和一堆零食回到北京。当天傍晚去学校接孩子时,老师叫住陈坤,皱着眉头告诉他:“优优这孩子挺聪明,学习成绩也不错,但就是缺乏男孩子的活泼与勇敢。上课时他不敢举手回答问题;踢球时不敢出脚,说怕踢到同学;有时老师说他两句,他就会伤心地抹眼泪……”陈坤听了,心里不由一沉。  陈坤由此联想到自己的童