
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lomina
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目的分析急性脑血管意外院前120急救和转送的作用及方法。方法分析某三甲医院急诊科收治的急性脑血管意外患者228例,其中院前120救治组116例为观察组,自行来院组112例为对照组,比较两组的院前发病时间,采用的急救方法和预后情况。结果观察组较对照组的院前时间明显缩短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在来院过程中,对照组出现恶心呕吐、脑疝、抽搐、呼吸道梗阻等合并症明显增多,治疗结束后神经功能后遗症及院前、院内死亡率较观察组均升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论急性脑血管意外患者的院前急救和转送十分必要,迅速高效的院前120救治和转送,能降低合并症的发生率、院前及院内死亡率、提高抢救成功率、降低致残率,对提高患者康复后生存质量有关键作用。 Objective To analyze the function and method of first aid and transfer of 120 acute cerebrovascular accident in hospital. Methods A total of 228 patients with acute cerebrovascular accident admitted to the emergency department of a top three hospital were analyzed. Among them, 116 patients in the pre-hospital treatment group were treated as observation group and 112 patients in their own hospital as control group. The onset time before hospitalization, Methods and prognosis. Results Compared with the control group, the prehospital time of the observation group was significantly shortened (P <0.05). In the process of coming to hospital, the control group had nausea and vomiting. Complications such as cerebral hernia, seizures and airway obstruction increased significantly. After the treatment, neurological sequelae and prehospital and in-hospital mortality were all significantly higher than those in the observation group (the difference was statistically significant P <0.05). Conclusion Prehospital first aid and transfer of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident are necessary and rapid and efficient prehospital 120 treatment and transfer can reduce the incidence of complications, prehospital and in-hospital mortality, improve the success rate of rescue, reduce the morbidity, To improve the quality of life of patients after rehabilitation has a key role.
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目的了解沙市区2009-2013年血吸虫病综合治理效果,为防治策略的制定或调整提供依据。方法收集2009-2013年沙市区血吸虫病综合治理资料,分析人、畜病情及螺情变化。结果 2009-
阜阳市位于安徽省西北部,地处淮北平原,全市辖4县1市3区,总人口1 026万。属暖温带半湿润季风气候区,四季分明,属间日疟非稳定性疟区,本地恶性疟已消除27年,无三日疟和卵形疟
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Hepatitis B virus(HBV)is one of the important global health problems today.Infection with HBV can lead to a variety of clinical manifestations including severe