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实践是检验真理的唯一标准。任何一个区域经济的发展战略,唯有通过实践才能验证其正确与否。深圳市福田区实施“两高”(高起点建设和高速度发展)战略一年来的实践初步证明:“两高”发展战略是切合福田区情的正确选择。一、“两高”发展战略实施一年的回顾1、一批“高起点建设”的重点项目正在开发建设,已展示出光明的前景。一年来,按照“高起点建设”的战略方针,福田区采取了加快重点项目建设,加强基础设施建设,大力发展高新技术产业,大力发展街道经济和集体股份经济,以第三产业立区,以科技兴区,大力开发房地产,大力促进市场流通等一系列战略措施,使区经济开始步入规模化、集团化、股份化、多元化、一体化的良性循环轨道。从在建的项目情况来看,呈现出大规模、高投入、高起点的显著特点。一年来,福田区获市批准的项目101个,总投资额逾13亿元,投资规模比上年增长95%。在建项目80个,比去年同期增加31项,完成基本建设投 Practice is the only test of truth. Any regional economic development strategy, only through the practice can verify its correctness or not. Futian District, Shenzhen implementation of the “two high” (a high starting point and high-speed development) strategy for the past year’s practice proves: “two high” development strategy is the right choice for Futian District. I. Review of the implementation of the “two highs” development strategy for the past year 1. A number of key projects of “high starting point construction” are under development and construction and have shown a bright future. In the past year, in accordance with the strategic principle of “building a high starting point,” Futian District has taken the task of accelerating the construction of key projects, strengthening infrastructure construction, vigorously developing high and new technology industries, vigorously developing the street economy and the collective shareholding economy, Science and technology Xing area, vigorously develop real estate, vigorously promote the market circulation and a series of strategic measures to make the district economy into the large-scale, collectivization, equity, diversification and integration of a virtuous circle of orbit. Judging from the projects under construction, they show notable features of large scale, high input and high starting point. In the past year, Futian District won 101 projects approved by the city with a total investment of over 1.3 billion yuan, an increase of 95% over the previous year. 80 projects under construction, an increase of 31 over the same period of last year and the completion of capital construction investment
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