
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwcf
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今年以来,钟祥市针对乡镇企业在高速发展中出现的布局广而散、规模小而全、技术起点低、产业结构和产品结构不合理、发展后劲不足、经济效益不理想等问题,调整发展思路,采取积极措施,引导乡镇创业开展以提高自身素质为主旨的“第二次企业”活动,使乡镇企业在激烈的竞争中得到了更快更好地发展。目前全市乡镇企业创产值52.47亿元,营业收入41.74亿元,利税4.64亿元,分别比去年同期增89.3%、86.5%、102.8%,实现了速度、效益,后劲同步增长的好势头。 “第二次创业”活动的主要内容和措施有八个方面。一是抓挂靠引联,提高技术档次。积极鼓励企业与“三大一科”联姻,大搞技术嫁接改造。二是抓骨干培植,形成规模效益。集中力量扶持重点乡镇、重点村和 Since the beginning of this year, Zhongxiang City has adjusted the development thinking for the problems that the township and town enterprises have emerged in rapid development with wide and scattered layout, small and complete scale, low technology starting point, unreasonable industrial structure and product structure, insufficient development momentum, and unsatisfactory economic benefits. Taking active measures to guide township and township entrepreneurship to carry out “second enterprise” activities aimed at improving the quality of their own towns and townships, so that the township and township enterprises have achieved faster and better development in the fierce competition. At present, the township and township enterprises in the whole city have an output value of 5.247 billion yuan, operating income of 4.174 billion yuan, and profits of 464 million yuan, which are 89.3%, 86.5%, and 102.8% higher than the same period of last year, respectively, and have achieved speed, efficiency, and a good momentum of simultaneous growth. The main contents and measures of the “Second Venture” activity are eightfold. The first is to catch liaison couplets and improve the technical level. Actively encourage enterprises to marry the “three major ones” and engage in technological transformation. The second is to focus on fostering the backbone to form economies of scale. Focus on supporting key townships, key villages and
“就业难,残疾人就业更难。” 张运泽主任开宗明义,用两个难字开始了他的谈话。但是他又十分坚定地告诉我:“难也得干,还得干好。因为这是责任。福利企业办公室作为政府的办
<正> Dieulafoy病是上消化道大出血(MCGH)罕见但最易致死的病因之一。其特点是出血部位隐匿、出血量大且易反复、诊断困难,病死率高。 1 发病情况 1884年Garland以胃粘膜下粟
左心衰是临床上极为常见的危重症。主要指心脏在失去代偿能力情况下,肺静脉回流受阻引起肺瘀血, 而呼吸困难常为主要症状。每个护理人员都应掌握心衰的先兆症状,这对提高护理
11月14日,中国钢铁工业协会组织召开了今年第三季度信息发布会,钢协副会长王晓齐出席会议并就当前钢铁行业运行情况和发展趋势进行了阐述。 November 14, China Iron and St