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病例 甜甜降临人世已有5天,她的出生给整个家庭带来了生机和快乐。可是让甜甜妈妈担忧的是近3天来,甜甜的肤色越来越黄。于是,妈妈赶紧带甜甜去医院看医生。医生详细检查了一下,告诉妈妈:甜甜肤色发黄是得了新生儿生理性黄疸。经过治疗以后,甜甜的皮肤恢复了正常,妈妈这才松了一口气,家里又恢复了往日的快乐。 Five days have passed since the advent of sweet cases, and her birth brought vitality and happiness to the entire family. But for sweet mother worried about the past 3 days, sweet and yellow color more and more yellow. So, my mother quickly go to the hospital with a sweet doctor. The doctor examined it in detail and told her mother: yellow sweet color is a physiological neonatal jaundice. After treatment, sweet skin returned to normal, this mother relieved, the family has restored the happiness of the past.
中医用全蝎或蝎尾治疗风湿痹痛、惊厥等症[1]。现代医学证明蝎毒具有抗肿瘤、抗炎、抗癫痫、镇痛等作用[2]。本实作者单位 453003 河南新乡 新乡医学院医学系1996级(冯 晓,祝 琳,范书锋);新乡
Objective:To investigate the effect and safety of the complementary use of the extract of Artemisia annua L.(EAA) on treating active rheumatoid arthritis(RA). M
发扬成绩 与时俱进推动改革、发展、效益 本刊讯 金蛇辞旧岁,踏马迎新春。刚刚过去的新世纪开局之年,是我国经济保持快速增长势头、社会政治好事连连的喜庆之年,也是湘瓷科
在教师节来临之际,我们仅以此文献给那些耕耘在教育战线上的人大代表们,并向他们致以节日的问候! On the occasion of Teacher’s Day approaching, we only use this docum
概要地分析了攀钢连铸坯热送热装工艺的现状 ,发展前景及其综合经济效益。 The status, development prospect and comprehensive economic benefit of Panzhihua Iron and
山莨菪碱是我国首先从茄科植物唐古特莨菪中分离出的一种生物碱, 是改善微循环衰竭的一种特效药物, 特别是在防治蛇伤 D I C或急性肾衰的病例往往收到意想不到的好结果, 另外, 该药
FePtNi films with different Ni contents were deposited on glass substrates by RF magnetron sputtering, and the L10-FePtNi films were obtained after the asdeposi