
来源 :国外医学.皮肤病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric_yf
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酮康唑(Ketoconazole)是一种广谱口服抗霉菌剂,为水溶性咪唑类衍化物,口服治疗时可达到试管内抗皮肤霉菌的浓度.作者选择20名严重、广泛及慢性皮肤红色毛癣菌感染患者,曾用灰黄霉素及多种外用药未能治愈.平均病期20年.18例掌跖感染,17例指或趾甲受累.从几名患者中分离出来的几株红色毛癣菌在试管内对灰黄霉素抗药.伴发疾病包括9例有哮喘、枯草热;1例的家庭成员中多数患有广泛癣的感染;1例糖尿病;及1例良性胸腺瘤.无怀孕者.酮康唑治疗,每日口服20mg(1片),由于该药从酸性肠道最易吸收,所以嘱患者避免服用制酸剂,饭前服药.如疗效缓慢,则增加至每日早晚各1片.研究期间不用其它口服及外用抗霉菌剂.酮康唑最多应用60天. Ketoconazole is a broad-spectrum oral antifungal agent that is a water-soluble imidazole derivative that achieves in vitro anti-dermatophyte concentrations when taken orally. The authors selected 20 patients with severe, extensive and chronic cutaneous red ringworm Infections in patients with griseofulvin and a variety of external drugs failed to cure the average duration of 20 years 18 cases of metatarsal infection 17 cases of finger or nail involvement Several isolated from several patients red hair Botrytis ringworm resistant to griseofulvin in the test tube, including 9 cases of asthma and hay fever; family members of a majority of patients with extensive ringworm infection; 1 case of diabetes; and 1 case of benign thymoma. No pregnancy. Ketoconazole treatment, daily oral 20mg (1 tablet), because the drug from the acidic intestinal absorption is the most easy, so Zhu Huanzhe avoid taking antacids, taking medicine before meals .If the curative effect is slow, then increased to Day and night, each 1. No other oral and topical antimycotics were used during the study, and ketoconazole was applied for up to 60 days.
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据《自然》周刊报道,玛丽·居里的疾病和死亡可能是由于她在第一次世界大战中使用X射线照相术所导致,而并非一般所说的是暴露于她自己发现的镭元素的结果。 今年初当居里作
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在希波克拉底时代即有流行性黄疸的描述,但只是近10余年中病原学方面才有较大的进展。迄今病毒性肝炎已知至少有三种不同的病原。一、甲型肝炎病毒(HAV) HAV为27nm、立方对