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去年国庆节前夕,我回到信宜安莪老家,正逢兄嫂结婚70周年,我早年丧父,家境贫穷,十分感谢兄嫂早年对我的提携,特地带去照相机,为他们照了张白金婚照作纪念。长兄何廷懋,今年84岁,解放前高小毕业,教过小书房,解放后当过多年农业社会计、生产队长、村长,出席过省劳模大会;大嫂覃瑞珍,今年81岁,没上过学,农村妇女,过去叫覃氏,解放才起名。大嫂说:“9岁那年过门,已经结婚70周年。”结婚70周年,称为白金婚,白发齐眉,十分难得。他们养育成人的有一子二女,均已成家立业,孙辈、曾孙辈共6人。兄嫂身体尚好,眼明耳聪,还能上山打柴,下地干 On the eve of the National Day last year, I went back to the hometown of Yasuifu and met the 70th anniversary of the marriage of my brother-in-law. In the early days of my life, I was impoverished. I was very grateful to Brother Xiong for carrying it to me in the early years. Platinum wedding as a souvenir. Elder brother He Tingmao, 84 years old, graduated from high and small before liberation, taught a small study, after many years of liberation as agricultural social statistics, production captain, village chief, attended the Provincial model workshop; sister Qin Ruizhen, 81 years old, have not been on Learn, rural women, formerly called Qin’s, liberation was named. Sister said: “9 years old that year, has been the 70th anniversary of marriage. ” 70th anniversary of marriage, known as platinum wedding, white hair, very rare. They have one son and two women who nurture adults, and all of them have married and grandchildren, and six grandchildren. Brother and sister body is still good, ear and ear, but also up the mountain firewood, dry under the ground
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2002年9月15日 星期日我家堂屋顶上有个燕子窝,每年燕子来哺育小燕,窝的四周尽是小燕红红的头,张着血瓢瓢的嘴,唧唧叫个不停。午后,我抬头一看,小燕子原来红红的身子似乎穿
大连益达橡胶机械有限公司是橡胶挤出机、橡胶过滤挤出机的专业生产厂家。公司成立于1998年,企业已通过ISO 9001质量管理体系认证,出口产品获得CE认证。公司拥有雄厚的技术力
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