发挥港口优势 巧做区位文章

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扬中市港联总公司在激烈的市场竞争中,以港口机械、货场的优势、巧做区位文章、实施“主业带动工业、工业拉动贸易、工贸业稳定主业”的经营方针、赢得了主、副同步发展的新格局,近几年,该公司主工贸经济总量每年都保持着一定的增速,而工贸产值(销售)就占了半壁河山,营造了主业平稳过渡,工贸业发展有新突破的势头。 近年来,扬中港面临着河床增高,潮汛制约,装卸运输主业货源偏淡、经济效益逐年滑坡,内部待业人员增加,资金矛盾进一步加剧的状态。如何遵循市场经济规律办事,摆脱主客观不利因素的限制,这对于搏击市场经济大潮中的港口企业,发展多体制,多种经营,是一次严峻的挑战和考验。然而,扬中市港联系总公司没有头脑发热,盲目追风,而是在总结经验教训的基础上,发挥群众智慧, In the fierce competition in the market, Yangzhong Port United Corporation took the advantage of ports machinery and freight yards to make location articles and implemented the management guideline of “main industry drives industry, industry drives trade, industry and commerce stable main industry” and won In recent years, the total volume of main industry and commerce of the company has maintained a certain growth rate each year, while the industrial and commercial output value (sales) accounts for half of the total area, creating a smooth transition of the main industry, Industry and trade development has a new breakthrough momentum. In recent years, Yangzhonggang is facing an increase in the riverbed, the tide of flood control, the main supply of loading and unloading transportation is subdued, the economic benefit is declining year by year, the number of unemployed persons is on the increase and the capital conflicts are further aggravated. How to act in accordance with the laws of the market economy and get rid of the subjective and objective unfavorable factors has posed a severe challenge and test for the development of multi-system and diversified operations in port enterprises in the tide of the market economy. However, Yangzhong City, the company did not contact head office fever, blind pursuit of style, but based on the lessons learned, based on the wisdom of the masses,
本文主要对煤矿掘进巷道的支护技术进行了分析,对煤矿掘进巷道锚杆支护具体应用中的设计施工要点,以及结合案例对其支护方式的具体应用,进行了研究。 In this paper, the ma
文字ABC 文字是社会的产物。把中国社会发展阶段同汉字的发展阶段加以联系对照,结果是,奴隶社会使用甲骨文、金文和大篆,封建社会使用小篆、隶书、草书、真书、行书,于是可以