Exploring The Drawbacks of Modern World on Three Topics Reflected in The Woods Were Tossing with Jew

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The Woods Were Tossing with Jewels is an excellent article by a well-known American writer Marie St.John which describes the life of a farmer’s family at the beginning of the20th century in the wilderness.This article demonstrates plenty of traditional virtues and values which have been lost in modern world,this essay aims to point out these precious values and virtues and explore the drawbacks of modern world through the comparison on these issues. The Woods Were Tossing with Jewels is an excellent article by a well-known American writer Marie St. John which describes the life of a farmer’s family at the beginning of the 20th century in the wilderness. This article demonstrates plenty of traditional virtues and values ​​which have been lost in modern world, this essay aims to point out these precious values ​​and virtues and explore the drawbacks of modern world through the comparison on these issues.
【摘要】翻译学是研究翻译的规律和艺术的学科,在针对于《论语》英译的实际运用过程当中,需要实时掌握翻译学的基本内容和构建模式,这样才能很好的完成《论语》的翻译工作。  【关键词】翻译学 《论语》 内容与模式  前言  在人类语言研究的两千多年历史中,针对于翻译学的研究曾涌现过三个重要的研究范式,最早的是 20 世纪初期索绪尔的结构主义范式。第二个是 20 世纪50 年代以乔姆斯基为代表建立的生成语法
【摘要】张爱玲写尽平凡人物生活的苍凉困惑以及生命中惘惘的威胁。《金锁记》中,作者笔下尖锐现实的人物叙事将新旧交织社会下人性的渐失和物欲的膨胀展现的淋漓尽致。放眼故事展开的时代背景,我们不难发现主人公们的悲剧已经超过了个人人物命运的悲剧,是整个时代悲剧的缩影,是当时的社会历史发展的必然性与现实的不可实现之间的矛盾的体现。  【关键词】《金锁记》 悲剧命运 必然性  一、引言  《金锁记》写于1943
【Abstract】Naiveté and innocence are two of the common features of children. Tom Sawyer presented, by Mark Twain, as a professional boy, incessantly a boy, nothing but a boy, who has the characteristic
【摘要】作为一部成功的商业片,黑客帝国因为其炫目的特效而吸引无数观众,然而它还因其深邃的思想而著名。这篇论文以电影符号学的角度分析黑客帝国中的象征符号及其象征意义。在黑客帝国中,每个角色的命名,不同的符号和很多场景都是宗教的隐喻,这些宗教包含了基督教,佛教和诺斯替教。而本篇论文主要分析引起广泛讨论的与基督教有关的象征符号。  【关键词】黑客帝国 宗教符号 象征学  【Abstract】As a v