How to Improve Students’ Ability of English Writing

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  【Abstract】Writing is an important part in learning English. In almost all china’s schools, the teaching aims about English learning contain like this: the school students must have certain skills about listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is very tough to develop among the four skills. And over the years the poor performance in writing on the part of Chinese students has upset even the most experienced teachers in China. It is still a headache for many English teachers to find ways to improve students’ writing ability.
  【Key words】English writing teaching; problems; approaches
  I. Problems in Teaching English Writing
  English teachers usually follow the traditional method with emphasis on the grammar and vocabulary. And all that just serves for helping the students to score better in examinations. Most of students cannot find appropriate strategies for learning to write and they do not know how to express and organizing their ideas in English. What they do is just draft in Chinese first, and then translates the Chinese materials into English. So it is not surprising that some Chinese students’ writing appears to be unclear and with confused logic.
  II. Suggested Approaches to Improve the Students’ Writing Ability
  1. Topic discussion
  In this activity, the teacher will first give a simple topic sentence before class, and then students are told to develop the sentence into a short passage according to his or her preferences and improvisation. This is a writing activity that is especially useful during a lesson sequence and also can be used as a prelude to a discussion, or a debate. In this interesting process, students are asked to change the sentence to reflect their own points of view around the topic sentence. Through topic discussion, students can develop freely their own thoughts and their writing ability will gradually be enhanced.
  2. Abbreviation, Summary, Comment
  In this activity, the teacher will give the students a long passage that is not difficult for average students, and then students are asked to give a brief statement about the main idea and the important details. The teachers often pick up the passage for abbreviation materials from the text learnt before, because on one hand, students tend to be familiar to these articles and it is relatively easy for them to catch the main idea in short time, on the other hand, it is an effective way to improve students’ writing ability. In the process, the students will be given enough time to read the materials intensively in order to first catch the main idea, and then get the information in details. In the end, the summary should be accomplished briefly and concisely. Sometimes, the teachers will give an article about the hot controversial issue; students can make a comment on it.
【摘要】时代在不断发展,社会在不断进步,新课改的提出对教育有了更高的要求。现如今的教学方式存在一定的弊端,针对初中的英语课程而言,要不断提高教学质量,培养学生全面发展。在初中英语的教学过程中,要正确理解试卷中出现的问题,对学生进行良好测评,加强英语试卷讲评的实效性,达到提高英语教学质量的目的。  【关键词】初中英语;试卷讲评;实效性  英语试卷讲评是初中英语教学过程中非常重要的环节,尤其针对初三的
【摘要】完形填空在中学阶段的英语考试中占有较大分值,且该题型更为注重考查学生们的综合语用能力,因此教师应当针对这一题型的基本命题特征来为学生开展针对性的解题教学,从而引导学生养成良好的阅读、解题习惯,并帮助学生有效提升自身英语成绩。  【关键词】英语;完形填空;特点;解题;技巧  【作者简介】乔霖琳(1982.3-),女,汉族,江苏泰州人,江苏省泰州中学,中学一级,本科,研究方向:中学英语。  完
【摘要】英语是十分重要的一门学科,在英语教学的过程中,教师要加强语法教学,只有学生掌握了英语语法,才能将英语单词组成正确的句子,进而进行有效的沟通。在新课程背景下,教师要转变传统的教学思路,深入分析语法教学的特点,根据教学重点和难点采取有效的教学方式,本文就此进行了相关的阐述和分析。  【关键词】新课程;初中英语;语法教学  【作者简介】张珍珍,山东省东营市垦利区第二实验中学。  初中是学生学习英
【摘要】读后续写是一种新出现的题型,它注重考查学生的阅读能力和理解能力,突破传统教学的束缚,在教学和考试中都占有重要的地位,对培养学生的综合运用能力起到了重要的作用。本文对高中英语读后续写的重要性进行研究,对如何提升学生的读后续写能力提出一些策略,为以后的研究提供一定的参考。  【关键词】高中英语;续写活动;为思而教  【作者简介】罗春燕,福建省明溪县第一中学。  引言  在高中教学体系中,英语占
【摘要】陶行知提出“生活教育”“创造教育”“社会即学校”“教学做合一”等教育思想,对初中英语语篇创新教育有重要的影响,不仅有益于培养学生的学习积极性,而且对于学生创造性思维的发展有较大帮助。基于此,笔者从陶行知创造教育思想出发,简要分析了其在初中英语语篇教育中的运用。  【关键词】陶行知教育;初中英语;创造教育;语篇教学  【作者简介】吴浩,江苏泗洪姜堰实验学校。  如何打造新课程下的高效课堂已成
【摘要】传统模式下高校英语教学对学生实践能力的培养重视度较低,导致实践教学内容过于落后单一。然而,实践学习是提高学生英语实际应用能力、语言交流能力的关键内容。鉴于此,本文从教学理念革新、教学内容拓展两个方面,提出将生态学理论应用到英语实践教学中的策略,以期为我国英语教学事业的发展提供有利参考。  【关键词】生态学;大学英语;实践教学模式  【作者简介】郝可欣(1980.8-),女,汉族,辽宁沈阳人
【摘要】文章基于当前初中英语听说教学的情况,提出对网络教学环境的需求,进一步分析借助网络资源开展教学的价值,重点探讨实践路径,具体有挖掘线上课程資源、改进教学流程及活动设计、落实测评反馈机制、强调课后拓展练习,以期给有关教育人士提供参考。  【关键词】网络环境;初中英语;听说教学  【作者简介】于晓月,山东省济南第五中学。  引言  “听”是语言输入的主要方式,也是开展语言交流的基础;而“说”是基
【摘要】本文剖析了目前初中英语读写课中学生缺乏一些必要的阅读策略,教师过于注重语言知识的传授并以此作为教学重点,提出了基于培养学生的思维能力来促进读写能力提高的。笔者以人教版《英语》Unit6 I’m going to study computer science中Reading 板块Resolution的教学为例,阐述了初中英语读写课中如何培养学生的思维能力。  【关键词】思维能力;读写课;阅读
【摘要】人工智能作为科学技术的一次飞跃性发展,将人工智能运用到英语教学中能够推动教学的进步与发展。当前,人工智能已经逐渐被运用到教学领域,特别是在高校英语教学中,通过人工智能技术下的各种教学模式的运用能够为高校英语混合式教学发展提供强大的技术支持。基于此,本文就人工智能技术下高校混合式教学的应用,提出自己的思考与见解。  【关键词】人工智能;高校英语;混合式教学;构建策略  由高校英语混合式教学模