
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ice_city_82
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青海省外贸企业依托西部开发机遇,千方百计扩大出口,2001年全年实现进口、出口双增长。据海关统计,2001年青海省进出口总值达20489.6万美元,比上年同期增长28.3%。其中进口5577万美元,比上年同期增长16.8%,出口14912.6万美元,比上年同期增长33.1%。 1、出口方面: 加工贸易增长迅猛,是推动出口增长的主要贸易方式。 2001年来料加工装配贸易出口88.7万美元,比上年同期增长2倍,进料加工贸易出口4710.6万美元.比上年同期增长2.7倍;一般贸易仍是我省最主要的贸易方式,2001年一般贸易出口10113.3万美元,比上年同期增长2.2%,占出口总值的67.8%。对亚洲地区的出口继续保持领先地位,增长迅猛。 Qinghai Province, relying on foreign trade enterprises to develop opportunities in the western region, do everything possible to expand exports in 2001 to achieve import and export growth. According to the statistics of the Customs, the total value of imports and exports of Qinghai Province in 2001 reached 204.896 million U.S. dollars, up 28.3% over the same period of last year. Among them, the import was 55.77 million U.S. dollars, up by 16.8% over the same period of the previous year and the export was 149.126 million U.S. dollars, up 33.1% over the same period of last year. In 1, the export side: the rapid growth of processing trade, is to promote the export growth of the main trade. In 2001, the export of processing and assembly trade was 878,000 U.S. dollars, up 2 times over the same period of the previous year and the export of processing trade of imported materials was 47,106,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 2.7 times over the same period of last year. General trade was still the most important trade pattern in our province. General trade exports 101.133 million US dollars, an increase of 2.2% over the same period the previous year, accounting for 67.8% of the total export value. Exports to Asia continue to maintain their leading position and grow rapidly.
本文主要研究几类含有奇异摄动的Kirchhoff型方程,拟线性Schr(o)dinger方程以及Schr(o)dingcr-Poisson方程的解的存在性,集中性以及多解性.  本文共分为五章:  在第一章中,
笔者就如何根据小学生自身的年龄特点和心理特征进一步优化语文课堂结构,提高小学语文教学工作的整体水平提出一些具体的措施。 The author puts forward some concrete mea
摘要:水暖渗漏是我們生活比较常见的问题,产生水暖渗漏的原因有很多,而诸多的原因中,水暖的使用和安装是导致渗漏的主要原因。本文针对住宅水暖工程渗漏的原因进行分析,并提出几点建议性的防治对策    关键词: 住宅水暖工程 渗漏的原因防治对策   Abstract: plumbing leakage is our life more common problems, produce the plumbi