A Brief Introduction of China English

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felixsilent
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  【Abstract】China English does exist. The recognition and knowledge of China English can not only empower English learners of the English variety they are using in their surroundings, but it also can enhance learners’ communicative competence in cross-cultural communities. This paper overviews the current situation of China English in terms of its definition and linguistic features at four levels: phonology, lexicon, syntax and discourse pragmatics.
  【Key words】China English; linguistic features; phonology; lexis; syntax; pragmatics
  1. Introduction
  The English variety in China is categorized regionally into East Asian varieties and functionally into non-institutionalized varieties of the Expanding Circle (Jenkins, 2009, p.44). English is spoken by Chinese people for international business and communication more often with other English speakers from Outer Circle countries than with native speakers of Inner Circle countries. Like any other variety in the Outer Circle, codification is very important for the legitimization of English variety in Expanding Circle countries where English is used as a foreign language rather than a second or an official language. So far, the most comprehensive achievement at codifying Asian Englishes is the Macquarie Regional Asian English Dictionary, which documents the Englishes of South-East and South Asian, but not East Asian Englishes (Jenkins, 2009, pp. 91-95). Despite the fact that there is a lack of codified references and grammar books of China English, it is yet an undeniable fact of the existence of China English (Wang, 1991).
  China English does exist. The recognition and knowledge of China English can not only empower English learners of the English variety they are using in their surroundings, but it also can enhance learners’ communicative competence in cross-cultural communities. Helping learners get familiar with different English varieties in college English classrooms is preparing them for code-switching in international communication. This paper briefly introduces China English in terms of its definition and linguistic features at four levels: phonology, lexicon, syntax and discourse pragmatics.
  2. The Definition of China English
  In the existing literatures, “Chinglish”, “Chinese English”, “Sinicized English” and “China English” have been mentioned (see He and Li, 2009, overview). Wang (1991) concludes that “Chinese English” is being considered as non-standard, and “Chinglish” is obviously derogative for its indication of broken English with inappropriate use of words and incorrect grammar. He also thinks that “Sinicized English” is inappropriate for the semantic meaning of the suffix “-ize”, and he proposes the use of “China English” for its neutrality. In addition, “China English” is a proper name because it represents the nature of an emerging English variety in China. Mufwene (1994) has argued, “it is better to label an institutionalized variety of English with a pre-modifying adjective (e.g. Indian English, Philippine English, American English), whereas a pre-modifying noun would be more appropriate for a performance variety like ‘China English’” ( as cited in He
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