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近几年,我国经济中出现了较严重的宏观失控问题。主要表现在总量不平衡,总需求大于总供给的矛盾加剧,财政连年赤字,信贷规模膨胀,外汇供应短缺,重要物资供求缺口日益加大。同时,经济结构很不合理,特别是产业结构日趋恶化,这不仅造成国民经济发展出现大起大落,很不稳定,而且造成严重的通货膨胀,影响了社会的安定。造成宏观经济失控的原因固然有新旧体制交替给宏观管理带来的难度,但目前我国还缺乏一套系统的宏观调控体系也是主要的。因此,建立科学宏观调控体系是加强和改善宏观管理的重要任务之一。建立宏观调控体系是个系统工程,必须注重以下几个问题: In recent years, there have been more serious macro-control problems in our economy. Mainly reflected in the imbalance in the total amount of the total demand is greater than the increase in the total supply of contradictions, fiscal deficits year after year, credit expansion, shortage of foreign exchange supply, increasing the gap between supply and demand of important materials. At the same time, the economic structure is very unreasonable, especially the deteriorating industrial structure. This not only causes the ups and downs of the national economy, but also causes instability. It also causes serious inflation and affects the stability of the community. Although the reasons for the uncontrolled macroeconomic control include the difficulty brought about by the alternation of old and new systems to macroeconomic management, the lack of a systematic macro-control system in our country is also the major one. Therefore, establishing a scientific macro-control system is one of the important tasks of strengthening and improving macro-management. To establish a macro-control system is a systematic project, we must pay attention to the following issues:
采用LP MOVPE技术 ,在 (0 0 1 )InP衬底上生长的InAs InP自组装量子点是无序的。为了解决这个问题 ,在InP衬底上先生长张应变的GaAs层 ,然后再生长InAs层 ,可得到有序化排列
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