High performance heterogeneous embedded computing: a review

来源 :Instrumentation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baolm
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As increasingly widening gap of computing demand and performance in embedded computing domain,heterogeneous computing architecture which delivers better performance as well as lower power in limited size is gaining more and more attention. At first,the heterogeneous computing model is presented. And the different tightly coupled single chip heterogeneous architectures and their application domain are introduced. Then,task partitioning methods are described. Several programming model technology are analyzed and discussed. Finally,main challenges and future perspective of High Performance Embedded Computing( HPEC) are summarized. As increasingly widening gap of computing demand and performance in embedded computing domain, heterogeneous computing architecture which delivers better performance as well as lower power in limited size is gaining more and more attention. And first, the heterogeneous computing model is presented. coupled, single chip heterogeneous architectures and their application domain are described. Then, task partitioning methods are described. Several programming model technologies are analyzed and discussed. Finally, main challenges and future perspective of High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) are summarized.
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