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爱民区检察院现有党组成员5人,检察长1人,副检察长3人,干警41人,党员35人,办公大楼一处,总面积4270平方米,办公室68间,机动车15辆,计算机41台。我院连续六年被省院授予“省级文明接待室”荣誉称号,连续3年被授予“省级规范化接待室”荣誉称号,2005年被省文明办评为省级文明单位。我院始终以保持共产党员先进性教育为载体,通过开展先进性教育活动增强“四个意识”,既党员意识、执法意识、先进意识、服务意识,发挥“两个作用”,既党员队伍的先锋模范作用、党组织的战斗堡垒作用,以此为契机加强检察队伍建设,提高我院党组的决策能力和检察队伍执法监督能力,从而带动我院工作全面开展。今年上半年,爱民区检察院共受理移送审查起诉案件66件89人,提起公诉47件56人,不起诉1件4人;受理审查批捕案件41件56人,批准逮捕35件47人,不批捕6件9人,其中防错捕5人;在开展刑事检察工作过程中,严格遵守程序法,对重特大案件实行挂牌督办,以确保案件在法定时限内完成。一年来,无一起超时限案件,办案准确率达100%。我们同公安机关建立的工作联席制度取得了实效性进展,实行的批捕介入侦查、公诉引导值查等工作机制,确保了国家法律的统一实施和案件的顺利诉讼。 Aimin District Procuratorate existing party members 5 people, prosecutor 1 people, deputy prosecutor 3 people, police officers 41, party members 35, a office building, with a total area of ​​4270 square meters, 68 offices, 15 motor vehicles, computers 41 units. Our hospital was awarded the honorary title of “provincial-level civilized reception room” by the provincial government for six consecutive years and was awarded the honorary title of “provincial-level standardized reception room” for three consecutive years. In 2005, it was appraised as provincial civilized unit by the provincial civilized office. Our college has always taken the education of maintaining the advanced nature of the party members as the carrier and enhanced the “four consciousness” by carrying out advanced education activities. It not only has the awareness of party members, law enforcement, advanced awareness and service awareness, but also plays “two roles” Pioneer exemplary role, the role of the party’s fighting fortress, as an opportunity to strengthen the procuratorial ranks to enhance the decision-making capacity of our party and prosecutors team law enforcement oversight capabilities to promote the work of our hospital in full swing. In the first half of this year, the Aimin District Procuratorate handled a total of 89 89 persons for prosecution and prosecution of prosecutions, filed 47 prosecutions of 56 persons and did not prosecute 1 case of 4 cases; accepted and examined and arrested 41 cases and 56 cases, approved the arrest of 35 cases and 47 cases, 6 of 9 people, of which 5 were wrong catch; in the process of carrying out criminal prosecution, strictly abide by the Procedural Law, supervise the handling of major cases to ensure that the case completed within the statutory time limit. Over the past year, no time-limited cases, case handling accuracy of 100%. The system of joint work that we have established with the public security organ has yielded substantial progress, implemented the working mechanism of interrogation and prosecution, and guided value check of public prosecution to ensure the uniform implementation of state laws and the smooth litigation of cases.
科学知识 科学观点(对、错) 1.地心的温度非常高 2.地球围绕太阳转 3.我们呼吸的氧气来源于植物 4.父亲的基因决定孩子的性别 5.激光因汇聚声波而产生 6.电子比原子小
1850年,《女士和先生之日记》杂志发表了英国数学家柯克曼的《疑问六》,在此文中提出了著名的“女生散步”问题. 一位女教师每天要带她的15名女学生散步,她要求学生们排成3人
I. Protection of Human Rights of the Convicted Human rights of the convicted refer to the rights enjoyed or due to be enjoyed by people subject to criminal puni