
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a3470114
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思想品德课堂教学实效的达成,直接影响着新课程确定的教学目标的实现,影响着祖国的未来和民族的前途。所以,找出思想品德课堂教学实效的问题,并加以分析解决很有必要性。以下是本人对思想品德课堂实效问题的观察和思考。1.教师没有把“用教材”落到实处初中义务教育课程标准实验教科书《思想品德》教材的内容既包含城市学生所熟悉的内容,也有农村学生所了解的部分,如果教师只教教材,而不真正创造出适合自己学生 The effective teaching of ideological and moral classrooms has a direct impact on the realization of the teaching objectives identified in the new curriculum and on the future of the motherland and the future of the nation. Therefore, it is very necessary to find the effective teaching of ideological and moral lessons and to analyze and solve them. The following is my observation and thinking on the actual effect of ideological and moral classroom. 1. Teachers did not put “teaching materials ” with the implementation of the standard curriculum of experimental education in junior high school compulsory education “ideology and morality,” the contents of the textbook contains both urban students are familiar with the content, but also some of the rural students understand that if the teacher only teaching materials , But not really create suitable for their students
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与时俱进、开拓创新,是我们适应新形势、认识新事物、完成新任务的根本思想武器。在实践中我们要弘扬与时俱进、开拓创新的精神,搞好各项工作,切实深化管理。 站在新的角度
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