State of the art:Mechanical behavior of soil-structure interface

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ted_yu
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The monotonic and cyclic behavior of a soil-structure interface has a significant effect on the mechanical response of a soil-structure interaction system.Thus,the behavior of the interface should be investigated with focusing on the individual characters different from other geomaterials.A brief introduction and critical review are presented on the state of the art of monotonic and cyclic behavior of soil- structure interface,including the test device and measurement techniques,fundamental rules and deformation mechanism,constitutive models and their applications in the numerical simulations.The tendencies of the investigation on the interface are also predicted in this paper. The monotonic and cyclic behavior of a soil-structure interface has a significant effect on the mechanical response of a soil-structure interaction system. Thus, the behavior of the interface should be investigated with focusing on the individual characters different from other geomaterials.A brief introduction and critical review are presented on the state of the art of monotonic and cyclic behavior of soil-structure interface, including the test device and measurement techniques, fundamental rules and deformation mechanism, constitutive models and their applications in the numerical simulations. tentencies of the investigation on the interface are also predicted in this paper.
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