Crustal strain rates of southeastern Tibetan Plateau derived from GPS measurements and implications

来源 :Earth and Planetary Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyagan
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The link between the crustal deformation and mantle kinematics in the Tibetan Plateau has been well known thanks to dense GPS measurements and the relatively detailed anisotropy structure of the lithospheric mantle. However, whether the crust deforms coherently with the upper mantle in the Shan-Thai terrane (also known as the Shan-Thai block) remains unclear. In this study, we investigate the deformation patterns through strain rate tensors in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau derived from the latest GPS measurements and find that in the Shan-Thai terrane the upper crust may be coupled with the lower crust and the upper mantle. The GPS-derived strain rate tensors are in agreement with the slipping patterns and rates of major strike-slip faults in the region. The most prominent shear zone, whose shear strain rates are larger than 100×10–9 a–1, is about 1000-km-long in the west, trending northward along Sagaing fault to the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis in the north, with maximum rate of compressive strain up to –240×10–9 a–1. A secondary shear zone along the Anninghe-Xiaojiang Fault in the east shows segmented shear zones near several conjunctions. While the strain rate along RRF is relatively low due to the low slip rate and low seismicity there, in Lijiang and Tengchong several local shear zones are present under an extensional dominated stress regime that is related to normal faulting earthquakes and volcanism, respectively. Furthermore, by comparing GPS-derived strain rate tensors with earthquake focal mechanisms, we find that 75.8% (100 out of 132) of the earthquake T-axes are consistent with the GPS-derived strain rates. Moreover, we find that the Fast Velocity Direction (FVDs) at three depths beneath the Shan-Thai terrane are consistent with extensional strain rate with gradually increasing angular differences, which are likely resulting from the basal shear forces induced by asthenospheric flow associated with the oblique subduction of the India plate beneath the Shan-Thai terrane. Therefore, in this region the upper crust deformation may be coherent with that of the lower crust and the lithospheric mantle.
摘要:品德教育在幼兒园教育中的渗透十分重要,从小树立良好品德行为意识,幼儿园阶段是幼儿品德培养与心理成型的重要阶段。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中明确提出将道德品质教育渗透于幼儿园教育中。随着幼儿品德教育的不断发展,我国在幼儿品德教育培养中取得了一定成果,同时也存在一些问题。  关键词:幼儿;品德;教育  G611  《幼儿园工作规程》第三十一条指出:“幼儿园的品德教育应当以情感培养和培养良好行为习惯为
G625.1  教育就要用“爱心育人”。一个爱的微笑,一句爱的话语,都可能激起学生潜在的能量,有可能改变孩子的一生。说明一名合格的教师应具备文化素养与学科专业知识、教育理论知识与技能以及丰富的班主任工作经验。此外,还应具备职业道德素养,其中包括:忠诚于人民的教育事业,热爱学生。托尔斯泰曾经说过:“如果一个教师,把热爱事业和热爱学生相结合,他就是一个完美的教师。”但是爱学生不是一句时髦的口号,也不是
摘要:随着新课标改革的不断深入,人们对中小学教育提出了更高的要求,要求中小學应该提高教学的管理水平。因此,中小学在教育管理中,应该摒弃传统的粗放管理方式,采用精细化管理方式,提高教育管理的规范化、流程化和系统化,才能推动中小学教育水平的提升。  关键词:精细化管理;中小学;教育管理  G637.5  精细化管理是一种新型的管理手段,对于提高管理效益,促进我国中小学教育事业具有重要的作用。在中小学中
摘要:班主任工作是个永远也说不完的课题,古往今来,探讨如何做好班主任工作总少不了这么一个字“爱”,师爱是伟大而无私的,它不亚于母爱。而激情,会让班主任的工作更加出色,更加有效率。挖掘学生闪光点;信任学生,善待差生;尊重学生,做学生的贴心人。本文将从这三个方面谈谈对做好班主任工作的一些看法。  关键词:激情;爱;班主任工作;学生  G625.1  爱,是走向成功教育的康庄大道,没有爱,教育无从说起;
摘要:尊重学生,才能得到学生的尊重。所以,尊重学生是老师管理好班级的钥匙。教师与学生之间的行为,是个相互的过程。要想赢得学生的尊重和认可,老师要有渊博的学识、过硬的本领以及良好的师德。  关键词:师生;尊重;学识;师德  G635.1  作为一名小学班主任,在管理班级的过程中经常遇到许多问题,我们常常抱怨学生的缺点和不足,也常常把学生学习成绩差归结为他们对老师的不尊重和不认可……我们熟知“亲其师,
摘要:班主任工作方法和技巧的恰当使用可以帮助营造良好的班级环境和氛围,改善师生之间的关系,为学生的身心发展以及学生的学习提供必要的环境基础。本文先就小学班主任工作方法和技巧运用的重要性进行分析,然后就应该如何创新小学班主任工作方法和技巧提出若干意见和建议。  关键词:小学班主任;工作方法;技巧  G625.1  小学班主任的工作效率和质量对学生的学习和身心健康发展有着重要的意义,要求小学班主任能够