从多维视角认识 统计信息与“统计信息主体论”

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在经济决策的多种信息流中,讨论主体信息流的问题具有现实意义据刊载:“我国仅仅10年的时间内,已登记注册的各类信息机构达10000多家,专业信息报刊1500多种。”进入现代信息社会,信息的需求按指数规律正在迅速增长。信息流量的增大、流速的加快以及信流结构的巨变,使人们从多维信息参照系中领略了信息的巨大威力。然而,由于信息市场体系的不健全,导致信息市场寻租与灰市延伸,使得在纷至沓来的信息流中,许多有用的信息淹没在无用的信息中,许多高质量的信息泯灭在低质量的信息里,客观地说,各种信息流都不同程度地存在信息失真问题,造成信息污染与信息效用萎缩。社会经济决策系统是一个多层面的运动过程,需要依靠多种信息流来支撑,它很大程度上取决于信息的数量、质量和效用。因此,这就从客观上要求澄清社会经济信息流的主要信源、信道和信宿问题,站在优化决策信息的高度,把握信息的主流与支流的脉络,建立决策信息的数量、质量和效用的调控机制,从而加强主体信息在经济信息中的导向 In a variety of information flow of economic decision-making, it is of practical significance to discuss the subject flow of information. According to the publication, “In just 10 years in our country, over 10,000 registered information agencies and more than 1,500 specialized newspapers and periodicals . ”Into the modern information society, the demand for information is rapidly growing exponentially. The increase of information flow, the speed of flow and the tremendous change of the structure of information flow make people appreciate the great power of information from multi-dimensional information reference system. However, due to the imperfect information market system, rent-seeking and gray-market extension of information market make many useful information submerged in the useless information in the flow of information, many high-quality information is destroyed in low-quality information Objectively speaking, various information flows have information distortion problems to varying degrees, causing the information pollution and the shrinking of information utility. Socio-economic decision-making system is a multi-dimensional movement process, which needs to rely on a variety of information flow to support it depends largely on the quantity, quality and utility of information. Therefore, this objectively requires the clarification of the main sources, channels and sinks of social and economic information flows. It stands at the height of optimizing decision-making information, grasps the context of mainstream and tributary information, and establishes the quantity, quality and utility of decision-making information Control mechanism, so as to strengthen the main information in the economic information in the guide
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