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近几十年来,引人注目的是不仅加强了对大量哲学问题的研究,而且加强了对“世界观”现象本身的研究。哲学发展中出现的问题和困难也反映在对世界观实质的理解上。这些年来,对世界观的唯科学主义解释巳为认识—价值的解释所取代,随之便开始把活动的、效能的方法纳入这种方法,并且恢复和发展了哲学传统中已有的东西。与此同时更加感到需要确切说明与世界观实质定义相关的一系列方面。世界观是关于整个世界的知识(物理学、生物学、经济学、法学等等)系统,这一概念来自强调世界观科学性质的强烈愿望,这点能够在具体历史条件下符合各阶层广大居民掌握科学知识的过程。但是,在理论上对世界观的这种解释很有局限。在我们看来,现在哲学世界观仍有狭隘的唯科学主义遗迹,例如,将哲学世界观整个规定为“关于存在(自然和社会)和人的思维、认识过程遵循的普遍规律的科学。”这样理解哲学的实质,不但把所有非马克思主义哲学观排除在哲学世界观之外,而且把马克思主义哲学简化为普遍规律,势必将人的问题、伦理学、美学及其他重要的世界观问题搁置一边。 In recent decades, it has attracted much attention not only to strengthen the study of a large number of philosophical issues, but also to strengthen the study of the phenomenon of the “world view” itself. The problems and difficulties in the development of philosophy are also reflected in the substantive understanding of the world outlook. Over the years, the scientifically scientifically interpreted worldview has been replaced by an epistemic-value explanation, which has since come to incorporate an active and effective approach into this approach and to restore and develop what is already in the philosophical tradition. At the same time, there is a greater feeling of the need to define precisely the range of aspects that are relevant to the substantive definition of the world outlook. The worldview is a system of knowledge (physics, biology, economics, jurisprudence, etc.) about the world as a whole, derived from the strong desire to emphasize the scientific nature of the worldview, which can meet the needs of the general public at all levels under the specific historical conditions of science The process of knowledge. However, this explanation of the world outlook is theoretically limited. In our view, the philosophical worldview still has narrow traces of scientism. For example, the entire philosophical world outlook is defined as “the science of the existence (of nature and society) and of human thinking and the universal law followed by the process of cognition.” " By understanding the essence of philosophy in this way, we can not only exclude all non-Marxist philosophical views from the philosophical world outlook but also simplify Marxist philosophy as a universal law, setting aside the problems of human affairs, ethics, aesthetics and other important world issues.
2017年1月11日,山东教育出版社在北京举行张炜长篇小说《狮子崖》新书发布暨研讨会。  中国作协副主席高洪波,国家新闻出版广电总局出版管理司司长周慧琳,山东省新闻出版广电局副局长孙杏林,中国版协原副主席、国际儿童读物联盟中国分会原主席海飞,中国作协副主席、山东作协主席、茅盾文学奖得主、著名作家张炜,著名作家、鲁迅文学院常务副院长邱华栋,儿童文学理論家、浙江师范大学儿童文化研究院院长方卫平,中国作
<正> "场"是物质的一种特殊形态吗?笔者曾撰文指出,无论是根据思维的客观规律,还是根据爱因斯坦的有关论述,都不能得出肯定的结论.这里需要进一步说明的是,根据马克思主义哲学与具体科学的关系,也不能得出"场是物质的一种特殊形态"的结论.我们知道,马克思主义哲学是关于自然界、人类社会和人的思维的本质、运动及其一般规律的理论,这种理论是通过对自然科学知识、社会科学知识、思维(认识)科学知识的概括和总结而产生,并随着人类的实践和认识的不断发展而发展的."场是物质的一种特殊形态"的观点表面上也不违背马
云南省临沧市云县第一中学建校于1958年,1995年被云南省教委认定为二级一等完全中学。学校占地56亩,建有教学楼、综合办公楼、综合实验楼、图书楼和教工、学生宿 Linyi City
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2006年10月23日,在湖南省委组织的全省“献计献策”座谈会上,一个身穿校服的孩子侃侃而谈,针对教育,一口气就提了3条建议。 On October 23, 2006, at a symposium organized