“黄金脆皮鸡”VS“吮指原味鸡” 看肯德基自导话题营销

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2013年12月26日,肯德基官方微博突然对外宣布,自2013年12月30日起,经典“吮指原味鸡”将在全国暂停售卖五周,取而代之的是新品“黄金脆皮鸡”。为了配合此次营销活动,肯德基可谓不遗余力。从201 3年圣诞开始,肯德基广告就开始铺天盖地,并且制定了全面的推销策略:开设活动专版,让消费者在网上票选到底哪款炸鸡能代表肯德基。除了线上铺陈之外,一向很少启用明星代言的肯德基此番破天荒地请来陈坤,柯震东分别为两种产品代言,被网友视为是经典与新潮的两大男神之间的一场对决。线上的投票活动愈演愈烈,线下的拉票战也陆续火热开展。陈坤和柯震东两位男神,在肯德基发起的吮指原味鸡和黄金脆皮鸡PK中号召各自的粉丝,为自己代言的产品投票,引发两大男神粉丝战。2014年1月18日,柯震东脆 December 26, 2013, KFC official microblogging suddenly announced that since December 30, 2013 onwards, the classic “suck refers to the original flavor chicken” will be suspended for sale in the country for five weeks, replaced by new “Golden Crispy chicken”. In order to tie in with this marketing campaign, KFC can spare no effort. Starting from the Christmas of 1983, KFC advertising began to flourish and a comprehensive marketing strategy was put in place: a special edition of the event was launched to allow consumers to represent KFC on the online ticket selection. In addition to the online shop, has rarely enabled celebrity endorsements of KFC this first time invited Chen Kun, Ke Zhendong respectively endorsements for the two products, users are regarded as classic and trendy two men between a duel . Voting activities online intensified, the line of the canvassing warfare has also started one after another hot. Chen Kun and Ke Zhendong two gods, initiated in KFC refers to the original chicken and golden crispy skin PK called their fans to vote for their own endorsement of products, triggering two men of God fans battle. January 18, 2014, Ke Zhendong brittle
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