
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjzxxhjzxx
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充分认识现行石油价格存在的问题及其对国民经济各个环节的深远影响,是认清改革石油价格紧迫性的重要前提。但是,为了进行石油价格改革,首要的是寻找形成石油价格的原则、规范。在这些原则的指引下,才有可能形成能够较为准确地反映商品价值、反映市场供求关系、反映国家长期利益的石油价格。也许有的同志会说,在商品经济社会里,一切价格都应当由市场去自动调节,寻求理论价格的努力恐怕没有太大的意义。其实问题并不这么简单。市场自动调节价格,有一定的条件要求。我国正处在新旧体制交替的过程之中,我国尚未形成真正完善的生产资料市场,因而谈不上通过市场形成什么最优价格。在这期间,象石油这样具有重要意义的稀缺商品,恐怕还必须由国家定价。即使将来商品经济的格局已经初步形成,为了宏观经济管理的需要,探索石油定价原则也是重要的。 A full understanding of the existing oil price problems and their far-reaching impact on all aspects of the national economy is an important prerequisite for recognizing the urgency of reforming oil prices. However, in order to carry out the oil price reform, the first and foremost thing is to find out the principles and norms for the formation of oil prices. Guided by these principles, it is possible to formulate oil prices that reflect the value of commodities more accurately, reflect the relationship between supply and demand in the market and reflect the long-term interests of the country. Some comrades may say that in a commodity economy society, all prices should be automatically adjusted by the market. I am afraid that there is not much significance in seeking the theoretical price. In fact, the problem is not that simple. Market automatically adjust the price, there are certain conditions. Our country is in the process of alternating old and new systems. Our country has not yet formed a truly perfect market for the means of production, so it is impossible to say what optimal price has been formed through the market. In the meantime, the scarcity of such important commodities as oil may have to be priced by the state. Even though the pattern of commodity economy has been initially formed, it is also important to explore the principle of oil pricing in order to meet the needs of macroeconomic management.
目的:从博落回Macleaya cordata(Willd.)R.Br根部筛选具有抑菌活性的放线菌,并对其进行种属鉴定。方法:采用平板涂布法分离皖西大别山野生植物博落回根部的内生放线菌;采用琼
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