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目的探讨社会心理因素、行为人格特征、情感障碍及生活相关事件对脑梗死患者早期智能障碍的影响。方法178例脑梗死患者(男134例,女44例),按入院顺序分为智能障碍组(98例),非智能障碍组(80例);对照组87例,对其应用A型性格问卷、艾森克个性问卷、抑郁自评量表及生活事件量表进行心理学检查,对比分析其智能障碍的发生与患者的性格特点、个性特征、情感障碍及负性生活事件的关系。结果智能障碍有98例,其中轻度49例,中度23例,重度26例。智能障碍组、非智能障碍组、对照组3组A型行为比较差异具有极显著性意义χ21=6.76,χ22=20.16,P<0.001;EPQ评定结果,神经质偏高和精神不稳定患者,智能障碍组较其他两组多χ21=23.56,χ22=34.49,P<0.001;有智能障碍者其焦虑情感及抑郁情感的发生均较其他两组高,χ21=21.904,χ22=88.5337,P<0.001。经历过负性生活事件者,发生智能障碍者比例较高,χ21=8.248,χ22=114.409,P<0.001。结论A型行为是脑梗死的易感行为,对脑梗死后的智能障碍的产生有影响。精神质的个性和不稳定情绪是脑梗死患者的主要情绪特征,与脑梗死后智能障碍的发生有关。血管性痴呆患者的情感障碍较一般脑梗死患者更加严重,可能与肢体瘫痪有关。负性生活事件的刺激对脑梗死后智能障碍的发生影响也很大。 Objective To investigate the impact of social psychological factors, personality traits, affective disorders and life-related events on early mental retardation in patients with cerebral infarction. Methods One hundred and seventy-eight patients with cerebral infarction (134 males and 44 females) were divided into four groups according to admission sequence: mental retardation group (n = 98) and non-mental retardation group (n = 80) , Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire, Self-rating Depression Scale and Life Events Scale to compare the incidence of mental retardation with the personality traits, personality traits, affective disorders and negative life events. Results There were 98 cases of mental retardation, including 49 cases of mild, 23 cases of moderate and 26 cases of severe. There were significant differences in the behavior of type A in the three groups (χ21 = 6.76, χ22 = 20.16, P <0.001) between the group of mental retardation, the group of non-mental retardation and the control group. The scores of EPQ, neuroticism and mental instability Compared with the other two groups, there were more χ21 = 23.56, χ22 = 34.49, P <0.001; anxiety and depression in those with mental disorders were higher than the other two groups, χ21 = 21.904, χ22 = 88.5337, P <0.001. Experienced negative life events, a higher proportion of persons with intellectual disabilities, χ21 = 8.248, χ22 = 114.409, P <0.001. Conclusion A-type behavior is a predisposing behavior of cerebral infarction, which has an impact on the development of mental retardation after cerebral infarction. Psychotic personality and instability are the main emotional characteristics of patients with cerebral infarction, and cerebral infarction related to the occurrence of mental retardation. Affective disorder in patients with vascular dementia is more serious than the general cerebral infarction patients may be related to limb paralysis. Negative life events to stimulate the cerebral infarction after the impact of mental retardation is also great.
养习教育主题特色确立后,学校积极探索养习教育方式和活动模式。从养习教育纲领的确立到养习教育习惯的整理,从教师用书的编撰到学生手册的发行,以探究方法和内容为基础,初步确立了“三推一训一反馈”的养习教育活动模式。    一、“三推”达标    养习教育把养成好习惯作为学生教育目标,学校确立了“三推达标”的模式,即:一推达到“养习有方向”的目标,二推达到“养习立重点”的目标,三推达到“养习施影响”的目标
【摘要】《科学课程标准》指出:科学学习要以探究为核心。“自主、合作、探究”的理念已浸入人心,科学课上开展各种探究活动也成为常态。在课堂教学中,要使提升学生科学素养真正到实处。  【关键词】科教指导 互动合作 素养  【中图分类号】G620 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)24-0151-02  《科学课程标准》指出:科学学习要以探究为核心。“自主、合作、探究”的理念已浸
二○○○年第一期《读书》读完了,里头有几篇文章是被思想界朋友称作“新左派”的,这可以看作《读书》近几年价值趋向的延续。由许纪霖先生的文章开始,思想品质渐获我心,而秦晖的文章更是用心血良知凝成的了!无论如何,今后还得看《读书》的。只是希望摩罗先生的补白文字,今后能写得更好些。  摩罗补白文字的题目是:《警惕完美主义倾向》。文中说,丁学良指出,“中国的自由派知识分子,对民主政治怀有过于理想化的期待,认
前不久,湖南省万州区公安局龙宝分局接到一家银行报案,称该行一储户存入的2万元被骗子用“克隆”的假存折取走。警方称,“克隆”存折惊现银行,在全国也很罕见。 家住万州的
该文主要就培养学生学习的兴趣与提高教学质量等问题提出了融洽师生关系、教学手段的改革等基本观点 This article mainly raised some basic points of view, such as cult