Improve Students’Four Basic Language Skills

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  Why do Chinese study English? What is the purpose of high school English teaching? It is clear that it’s necessary to improve students’ four fundamental skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and let them master necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar, but this is not enough. The final purpose is to let students be able to use English freely.
  Ⅰ.How to improve listening skill
  Firstly, try to let students be in a language environment. We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something. Then after he is able to say, he has a good chance of listening to more mother language materials. Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker. The more English he listens to, the more English he’ll speak out!But for a foreign language,students can only hear or use in classes, They can hardly have other chances to hear or use it.
  Secondly, try to let students grasp correct phonetic symbol. Phonetic symbol is the base of a language. In the beginning, it is a good method to let students read after a radio. Pay attention to theoral reading skills, including stress, strong form, weak form, intonation, incomplete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllables and so on. Training and practicing oral reading cannot be finished in a day. The teacher must give correct information about it. There is no easy way.
  Thirdly, try to letstudents keep confident. It is clear that to learn a foreign language is difficult for everyone. If you are able to listen well, you’ll be more confident in communication. And the more confident you are whenlistening, the more confident you will be when speaking. Keep a relaxed and natural mood when you listen to some materials.
  The last but not the least, try to enlarge students’ knowledge about English. Encourage students to read something in their spare time about geography, history, culture and so on.
  Ⅱ.How to improve speaking skill
  1.Use modern teaching methods
  Communicative Language Teaching is one of the modern methods that can be applied to improve students’ communicative abilities. In this method, teachers can set different tasks and activities to encourage students to communicate in English. The task of activities includes newspaper report, information exchange, role-playing, discussion and problems’-solving in pairs or groups. It can increase the amount of students’ talking in a limited period of time and also lower the inhibitions of students who are unwilling to speak in front of the whole class. This method emphasizes the communicative functions of a language, helping students to pay attention to whom they are communicating with and what messages they want to convey.
  2. Use some communicative strategies
  When students experience a problem in expressing themselves and must either change their meanings or find another way of expression. Teachers can offer them some communicative strategies, such as using approximation, using nonlinguistic resources and using a paraphrase, etc.
  Another method for dealing with students’ errors is to approach them from an analytic perspective, which can be especially fruitful for teachers. Teachers, as error-analysts, look for patterns in the errors of an individual student, trying to discover how the mistakes were made by analyzing the errors (lack of knowledge about a certain grammatical point, or a careless mistake), and plans strategies accordingly.
  3.Ask students to keep a diary
  Keeping a diary is an effective way for students to practice writing. It is not only a good chance to record their real life, but also a good way to improve their writing ability. As English teachers, we should encourage our students to foster a good habit to keep a diary. We also need to provide some help for them.
  4. Publish students’ writing
  The final basic strategy is publishing. Students need a reason for laboring over a draft until it is perfect; the urge to see their works in print can be a powerful drive toward revision and proof reading.
  As English teachers of the students who are in high school, we should try every means to improve their four basic language skills and thus master the language well.
  (责编 周侯辰 黄 晓)
《普通高中语文课程标准(2017年版)》把语文学科核心素养分解为四个方面,并做了概括的解释。为了使解释一目了然,下表用几个主题词来使这四个方面的内涵更为具体化。   分解开来解释是为了方便理解,但语文学科核心素养既然是一种内在的品质,它必然是凝聚在完整的人格中,不能分开的。这四个方面的核心素养本身就存在着内在的、不可分割的关系。   语言建构与运用是语文学科独特的课程素养,也是其他要素的基础。
摘要:班级读书会是以班级为单位,在教师指导的组织和指导下,在语文课堂上开展的阅读活动。它不同于一般意义上的课外阅读,而是由教师指定(或师生共同确定)一本书(一类书),利用课内外的时间共同阅读,然后在班上进行讨论。我认为它不同于语文课上的一般阅读课,班级读书会上的阅读应该是一种宽松的、自由的阅读,班级读书会应该成为学生张扬个性、驰骋想象、释放心灵的舞台。  关键词:阅读;班级读书会  寒假让孩子们读
辩论时,正面交锋是最考验辩手反应能力的,双方辩手你一言我一语,既紧张又刺激。但是,正是这样紧张的气氛,容易让你的大脑短路,有时竟一个不留神让对方辩手把你的观点带偏了,让你欲哭无泪。那他们到底使用了什么招数,于无形中带偏你的观点呢? 先去“无人可辩聊天群”看看。  什么是去除语境?  语境包括了上下文及谈话时间、谈话地点、谈话情景、谈话对象、谈话前提等多种要素,如果有意或者无意地忽略了它,就会断章取
新课标中明确提出“全面提高学生的语文素养”,何为语文素养?它是学生在语文学习方面表现出来的较为稳定的、最基本的适应时代发展的能力和情感态度价值观,是工具性和人文性统一的内涵。作为语文教学,是生活的教学,口语表达则是学生学会生活的最基本手段,故而,提高学生的口语表达能力就成了“全面提高学生的语文素养”必不可少的重要内容。  一、目前语文教学中的课前演讲现状  纵观目前语文课堂教学中的演讲(课前3分钟
仅仅一句诺言  便是你出发的全部理由  仅仅一个信念  便是你面对的全部勇气  脚下几千里的土地  承载的岂只是遥遥归期  人生的旅程又何止几千里  然而  你却用它诠释了“仗义”  不,是成就人性与道义的呼吸     多少次风来雨去的洗礼  多少次坎坷与泥泞的绊羁  多少次黑与白的交替  伴随着嘴与眼的咒骂鄙夷  伴随着苦与痛的交织谑戏  可是你  却用那蹒跚而坚定的步履  老迈而刚直的梁脊  
今年是我从教的第二十年。二十年的教育探索,从一场如同包办婚姻的政府分配工作和指令所教学科开始,历经安徽、上海、江苏三个省市的跋涉,渐入“自由恋爱式”的实验教学主张阶段。哭过,吼过,曾如丧家之犬,挥霍着青春;亦曾笑魇如花,捧过映着荣光的奖杯。蓦然回首,自是一段刻骨铭心的教育旅程。  被“包办”的挣扎  1996年的8月,一个当时还叫做县教育委员会的单位,将沉浸在“优秀毕业生”喜悦中的轻狂荡涤,一纸通