面向21世纪 加速职教现代化

来源 :上海成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingjing2011
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新年伊始,万象更新。上海职业学校的领导正在构思新一年的发展规划。职业教育如何贴近经济、面向市场,面向21世纪,如何加快职业教育现代化的步伐,正成为本市职教工作者共同思考的问题。元月上旬,市教委职教办和本刊编辑部邀集本市部分重点职校的校领导就此进行了座谈。 New year new life. The leaders of Shanghai vocational schools are planning a new year’s development plan. How to speed up the pace of vocational education modernization in the 21st century is becoming the common thinking of vocational education workers in our city. In early January, the Municipal Education Commission Vocational Education Office and the editorial department invited some of the city’s key vocational school leaders discussed this.
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