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  Remember back in the days, when your elementary school teacher asked you to write something about your dream job? Some people wrote about becoming a policeman, some wrote about becoming successful businessmen, but I was always the odd one out—I wanted to become a pilot.
  As a child, I travelled a lot. So far, I’ve set foot on every single continent except for Antarctica1, and have travelled to more than 30 different countries before I turned 18. That’s probably what made me interested in aviation2. I remember thinking about how cool it would be to not only sit in the back of an aircraft as a passenger, but to have the opportunity to sit in the front tip of the aircraft, with the controls in my hands. That was the dream, and I guess it’ll come true soon.   For me, I’m very thankful to have discovered my interest and my dreams since I was a child. Many of my buddies are struggling to figure out what field they want to go into, or what they’ll want to major in, but that’s totally fine! It’s okay to not know; that’s why so many people embrace the American Liberal Arts education, knowing that you can be successful in life no matter what you do, and when you do it.7
  I still remember back in September 2014, after I received my offer to attend Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, I decided that I was going to defer my offer for one year and to further explore the different areas of my life before going to college.8 Some have questioned my decision to do so, some thought that it is the dumbest9 decision I’ve made in my life, but I don’t think so. I personally think that the current education system is failing10 us, but since it’s the only system we have right now, we don’t have a lot to choose from.
  The system fails not because it’s too rigorous or too easy or anything along those lines, but because it doesn’t really prepare our youngsters to face the society out there. There are so many things that we can’t learn inside a classroom. Communication techniques; social skills; qualities of being humble and accountable; trustworthiness…our education system fails to address many of these crucial skills that we need in order to succeed in life, and a student will never develop these skills just by sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture.11 This is why I decided to take a year off school, to really experience how our society is like outside my comfort zone.
  My plan is to work at an NGO that aims to help underprivileged children to succeed in school through providing after-school tutoring sessions and through other extracurricular activities.12 I believe that this will be a very valuable experience for me, and this is probably one of the only opportunities that I have to do things like this, as I’ll be dealing with the enormous workload13 during and after college. This is my choice, be a person feeling valued.
  文章转载自“香港文化交流工作室”(Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Workshop)。作者:马钟文(Albert Ma),20岁,目前在美国安柏瑞德航空大学学习飞行专业。他从小热爱飞行,17岁在美国拿到了第一张飞行执照。
  1. Antarctica: 南极洲。
  2. aviation: 航空,飞行。
  3. rigorous: 严格的。
  4. marginal: 勉強够格的。
  5. motto: 座右铭。
  6. flight instrument: 飞行仪表。
  7. 不知道也没有关系,这也是为什么那么多人选择了美国文理学院的通识教育,他们坚信自己不论做什么,不论何时做,都是可以成功的。Liberal Arts education:博雅教育,又译为:人文教育、通识教育、素质教育等,是一种基于社会中人的通才素质教育,不同于专业教育和专才教育。
  8. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University: 安柏瑞德航空大学,是美国一所私立航天79航空科技大学;defer: 推迟,延期。
  9. dumb: 蠢的(此处为最高级)。
  10. fail: 令……失望,辜负了……的信任。
  11. 沟通技巧、社会技能、为人谦逊和有担当、诚信可靠……我们的教育体系并不看重这些人生成功所需的重要技能,而且一个学生如果只坐在教室里听课是永远学不到这些技能的。
  12. NGO: 民间组织,非政府组织(NonGovernmental Organization);underprivileged: 贫困的,物质条件差的;session: 学期,上课时间;extracurricular:(活动等)课外的。
  13. workload: 工作量。
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原文入院  晚上,我们全家吃螃蟹。  我们都吃得津津有味,可爸爸却不太感兴趣,粗粗啃了一只就不吃了,而且只啃了身体,把蟹夹子和蟹腿都留给了妈妈,随后跑去沙发看电视了。  我和小弟都吵着要吃蟹腿肉,妈妈把爸爸叫了回来,让爸爸给我和小弟剥,还说:“我知道你是嫌麻烦,懒得剥,可是你的两个宝贝想吃了,剥吧!”爸爸有些无奈,问我和小弟想不想吃,我们当然都说“想吃”,爸爸也不怕麻烦了,耐心地细细地给我剥了好多
我们在前世约定一起穿行这个世界,  一生都不会停歇,  永远向着那春天迎着天边的夕阳,  让我们一起在风中起舞,  穿过这午夜星辰,  让我们旅行的梦更精彩,  在最后的一刻飞越这辽阔世界,  飞过这群山,  飞越那洁白云海,  飞过那万马奔腾的绿色原野,  飞越那辽阔,  碧海蓝天,  飞向那温暖春天……    带着越野精神上路    一个偶然的机会,我认识了越野E族,认识了一大群E族旗下有着火