A Reflection on the Current Problems in English Reading

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  【Abstract】For EFL students at middle school, reading is significant to their English language learning. But there are problems in middles’ English reading teaching.This paper tries to explore the current problems in English reading in middle schools and make a reflection.
  【Key words】English reading teaching; current problems; English Curriculum Standards
  Reading is a significant and effective way for EFL learners to gain information and knowledge, to broaden learner horizons, to stimulate learning interests, during which process, students practice and develop their ability of analyzing, thinking and judgment, for the ultimate goal of improving students’ integrated language skills, and overall English language proficiency demanded by the new English Curriculum Standards(2001).
  However, from the author’s experience as an EFL learner and her experience as an English teacher, there exist some general problems in current EFL teaching at junior high school, which prompts the author to conduct this reflection.
  Firstly, there are problems in teaching. Teaching methods used in EFL reading classes are mechanical and inflexible(Huang, 2011). Many teachers focus on knowledge delivery and text interpretation. In English class, both teachers and learners pay much attention to grammar and the details of reading materials. Reading is usually done in a process of learning vocabulary, explanation of language points and grammar, listing and analyzing sentence structure, translation of the text. In such classes, it is the teacher who dominates the class, not students who should be the center of class. Students just listen to teachers, copy and take notes of what teacher asks. Students lose their opportunity of active learning and meaningful learning, because, they just passively receive; little time and few chances are allocated for them to think, speak, communicate and cooperate with their fellow classmates. As a result, students lose their initiatives and motivation in learning English. Moreover, for the stress on detailed knowledge, there is little instruction from teachers to lead students to comprehend reading texts as an organic whole, and little emphasis is put on the introduction to any effective reading methods and strategies for students’ reading inspiration and training, which lead bad effects to the development of learners’ reading ability and strategic learning(Huang, 2011).
  Secondly, students’ English learning ability is weak. Because of students’ much concentration on language points and sentence structure, they ignore the importance of practicing and improving their ability of reading strategies, which makes them deal with reading in simple and inefficient ways(Wu, 2011). For example, meeting unfamiliar words, students cant’ cope with such difficulties using strategy of guessing meaning from the context while reading; their lack of textual competence makes students unable to grasp the important parts of reading and comprehend reading texts as a whole part, which greatly reduces learners’ understanding and information acquisition of reading articles. Furthur more, students’ lack of certain background knowledge is also an obstruction to learn English, because language is a representation of certain cultural phenomenon. The lack of the awareness of cultural differences may mislead learners’ understanding, if worse, may cause conflict in cross-cultural communication.   In conclusion, the problems in both teacher’ teaching and students’ learning lead students’ little development of reading ability and lack of interests in learning English. This situation should be changed in order to help students to form effective reading habit and master English language successfully. Therefore, new demands were made in 2001 in order to let students achieve a more efficient learning for their life-long development. Students are expected to master basic English language knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, so that students can have sufficient competence in using the language. Students’ abilities of observation, memorizing, thinking, imagination, creation should be cultivated, and students’ awareness of the cultural differences and patriotic spirit are be developed in order to help them form healthy views about life, for which both teachers and students need more efforts.
【摘要】词汇学习是英语学习的基础,词汇的掌握程度直接决定了英语成绩的好坏。如何提高词汇记忆效率一直是学生们关注的问题。本文结合个人词汇学习的实践,讨论一般记忆单词的规律和记忆方法,以供借鉴。  【关键词】英语词汇 记忆方法 记忆规律  英语中词汇学习是英语学习之本,充足的词汇量是有效进行听、说、读和写等表达的基础,词汇量的大小在一定程度上衡量了语言沟通中的个体语言能力的高低,也是决定英语成绩好坏的
【摘要】当前中国学生的“中国文化失语”现象越来越普遍,影响了跨文化交际的效果及中国文化的传播与保护。本文将以问卷调查、测试等方法进行研究,通过优化课程设置、提升教师素质、改革第二课堂等方法,这有利于提升跨文化交流的效果,对中国文化的传承及发扬有非常重要的作用。  【关键词】英语专业学生 中国文化失语 策略  一、引言  从丛教授(南京大学)2000年在国内首次提出了“中国文化失语”的概念(从丛,2
(考试时间:7月1日— 8月14日 满分100分)  一、判断题(每题2分,共30分,在答题卡处打√或×)  1. 减肥应该少食多餐,多吃有饱腹感的食物。  2. 雀斑的形成和家族遗传有关系。  3. 看电脑时在眼镜外再戴蓝光镜其实没有太大必要。  4. 感冒了应该赶紧吃抗生素。  5. 麻醉不会对神经系统造成损伤。  6. 像小和尚念经那样摇头晃脑的颈部活动并不好,颈部在绕圈的拉扯中容易产生损伤
【Abstract】By illustrating the significance of cultural elements in vocabulary and current situations in English vocabulary teaching,the author hope that English teachers can pay more attention to cult
【摘要】在充分利用好传统英语课外作业形式的基础上,突破陈式,改变单调的抄单词、读词组、听录音,创造性地与各学科资源充分融合,使各种学科在英语作业中相互交汇、渗透,碰撞出新的火花,让学生在丰富多彩的课外作业中锻炼多种智能,全面提升综合素质,并激发、促进其对英语课程的盎然情趣和长期爱好。  【关键词】英语课外作业 其它学科资源  英语是一门工具性很强的语言课程,其本质决定了它的学科融合性较强,且极为顺
【摘要】标点符号是书面语不可或缺的组成部分,在翻译过程中起着重要作用。除了注意硬性的限制和建议,译者还可以利用分号、句号等标点符号清晰、简洁地展现出来译文的逻辑,而无需费力气挖掘逻辑关系进而措辞。笔者有感于自身的汉语医学论文的英译实践,选取了几个例子,分析了如何排除源语干扰,从标点这个角度突破,进而产出合格地道的译文,以期为以后的相关研究提供示例或借鉴。  【关键词】标点符号 汉语医学论文英译 逻
【摘要】“学讲计划”的精髓对于学生就是践行好“五步”,对于教师就是走好“五步”,教师与学生都要能够高效严格的执行好“学讲计划”对各自的要求。文章以小学英语为例,从师生的这“五学”和“五步”展开论述,力求构建互动高效的英语课堂。  【关键词】小学英语 “五学” “五步” 互动课堂  新课改推进了十几个春秋,尤其是徐州市提出的“学讲计划”,为我们一线教师指明了颠覆传统的教改之路,教师从“台前”退隐“幕
【摘要】从人类的发展中可以看出,语言与文化的关系很重要。语言在发展的同时,不仅是对文化的传承,更能以传播的方式在各行各业中被广泛运用。因此,在学习英语时,教师应该更加重视文化本身的力量和内涵。高中英语在整个英语教学中处于非常关键的地位,为了全面发展学生的综合素质,有必要在教学的过程中,不断将文化意识融入到课堂。本文结合实际教学经验,来探讨高中英语教学中跨文化意识的渗透和培养。  【关键词】高中英语
【摘要】高中语文新课改对每位一线教师都是一次机遇与挑战,如何解读新课改新教材,需要在教学实践中不断的反思与总结。课程强调以创新精神和实践能力的培养为重点,力图通过建立课程标准、设置新课程、改革教材及评价与考试制度等一系列举措,提倡、引导并促进学生建立新的学习方式,做学习的主人,以提高课堂教学的实效性。  【关键词】促进 转变 学习方式  课程改革在一年多的时间里,既取得了很大的成绩,同时也暴露出或
教学内容解析  一、介绍家庭农场的含义、特点及分类。  二、发展家庭农场的作用。  三、当前发展家庭农场存在的问题及对策。  教学目标  知识目标:了解家庭农场的含义、特点及分类;领会家庭农场的作用;理解当前发展家庭农场存在的问题及解决措施。  能力目标:(1)通过分析家庭农场的定义,培养学生归纳问题的能力。(2)通过分析家庭农场发展中存在的问题,培养学生的辩证思维能力。(3)通过分析解决当前家庭