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A study from the Ohio State University says it is rare (罕见的) for men to do the same share of housework. Researchers looked at 182 working couples who became first-time parents. Both partners worked th
Here is the story.  Now the children are at school. Amy is sewing. She is practicing. She is sitting on a bench. She is sitting near Timmy.  Timmy is at school too. Timmy is studying. He is sitting be
A smile is a beautiful thing. It’s a symbol of happiness and a force of nature. Yes, a force of nature. Have you ever observed what happens within you when you smile, or better yet, forced yourself to
紧张的高考终于结束了。在等待录取通知的日子里,我经常到妈妈的饰品店帮忙。  那个星期六,由于店里顾客多、生意忙,妈妈脱不开身,就让我去批发市场进一些急缺的货回来。  批发市场里熙熙攘攘,人头攒动。我在小商品区穿行,挨个摊位物色货物、询问价格。终于,我的脚步停在了一个店子前,那里的各式挂件正是我所需要的。  店主是一位面容和蔼、两鬓斑白的老大爷。我学别人的样儿,摆出一副老练的架势挑货的毛病,和老大爷
1. Turn boring stools into fun furniture with a little paint.  2. If the school permits it, paint your ceiling.  You can also cover them with wrapping paper for a less permanent decor.  3. Decorate yo
There isn’t one right way, one perfect question, or one right time to have these conversations. Here are some suggestions to try:  Greet your child with an cheerful hello. Try saying “great to see you
Don’t miss school events such as talent shows, science fair nights and seasonal potlucks (a meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests). Even if your child is
课堂活动  You can probably guess from the title what this activity is all about. Split your classroom into groups (I use 4 groups of 10 but it can be easily changed to suit how many students you have) and
导读:8月份的主打星座是狮子座。狮子座的人有一股天生的王者风范,并且公平刚正。  Lion is Leo’s symbol. Throughout history, the lion has meant rulership and courage. Leos, like lions, are thought to be strong leaders. They generally have a k