A~200 ka pollen record from Okinawa Trough:Paleoenvironment reconstruction of glacial-interglacial c

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:as33as
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Pollen analysis was carried out on the Core MD982194 of 29.78 m retrieved from the Middle Okinawa Trough which was dated as old as~200 ka BP.The results revealed that pollen assemblages mainly presented an alternation of coniferous and herb pollen.The coniferous saccate pollen,principally Pinus and Tsuga,predominated in most parts of the core,especially highlighted in the interstadial stages including MIS 1,3,5 and MIS7,whereas the herb pollen significantly increased in the glacial periods.Thus the pollen flora and their percentages showed the sensitive changes under the influence of ice volume during the glacial and interglacial periods.Our record from this core has first documented that the percentage of Cyperaceae was extremely high in the glacial stages with a notable increase in Artemisia,Gramineae,Asteraceae,Chenopodiaceae,and freshwater algae,which can be used as a proxy for sea-level change at the study site because of their close negative correlation of the orbital-scale changes in sea level.The distance between the continental coastline and the Okinawa Trough has deeply shortened due to the sea-level drop in the LGM.As a result,the sediment materials from Yangtze River were extensively deposited on the flat,exposed continental shelf owing to the rapid decline of river flow speed,leading to that pollen grains from Okinawa Trough are derived mainly from the flat coastal vegetation of exposed continental shelf at glacial stages.Changes of pollen assemblage were consistent with the variation of temperature and humidity,which showed that the percentage of arboreal pollen was highly augmented at MIS 7,5 and MIS 1,corresponding to the strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon and increasing of rainfall.Moreover,the peak of Pinus percentage in MIS 5.3,5.1 and MIS 3.3 may be closely linked by orbital and sub-orbital cycles of solar radiation and monsoonal variability.The present study of core MD981294 implied lower temperature and precipitation during the lowest sea-level stage(LGM),and more visibly testified that the vegetation of the flat plain on the exposed continental shelf was dominated by intrazonal communities such as halophyte grasslands and freshwater wetlands instead of zonal steppe or semi-arid desert.All above evidence demonstrated that the fundamental changes of pollen assemblage and their origins in Okinawa Trough since~200 ka BP were affected by combine factors including the coastline position and climate fluctuation.Moreover,the substantial shortening of distance between shoreline and the Okinawa Trough driven by orbital insolation cycles was clearly indicated by the pollen spectra,whereas the source-area climate signal of the pollen record was largely weakened. Pollen analysis was carried out on the Core MD982194 of 29.78 m retrieved from the Middle Okinawa Trough which was dated as old as ~ 200 ka BP.The results revealed that pollen assemblages mainly presented an alternation of coniferous and herb pollen.The coniferous saccate pollen, principally Pinus and Tsuga, predominated in most parts of the core, especially highlighted in the interstadial stages including MIS 1,3,5 and MIS7, but the herb pollen flora increased significantly in the glacial periods.Thus the pollen flora and their percentages showed the sensitive changes under the influence of ice volume during the glacial and interglacial periods.Our record from this core has first documented that the percentage of Cyperaceae was extremely high in the glacial stages with a not can increase in Artemisia, Gramineae, Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae, and freshwater algae , which can be used as a proxy for sea-level change at the study site because of their close negative correlation of the orbital-scale chang es in sea level. The distance between the continental coastline and the Okinawa Trough has deeply shortened due to the sea-level drop in the LGM. As a result, the sediment materials from the Yangtze River were extensively deposited on the flat, exposed continental shelf due. to the rapid decline of river flow speed, leading to that pollen grains from Okinawa Trough are derived mainly from the flat coastal vegetation of exposed continental shelf at glacial stages. Changes of pollen assemblage were consistent with the variation of temperature and humidity, which showed that the percentage of arboreal pollen was highly augmented at MIS 7,5 and MIS 1, corresponding to the strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon and increasing of rainfall. Moreover, the peak of Pinus percentage in MIS 5.3,5.1 and MIS 3.3 may be closely linked by orbital and sub-orbital cycles of solar radiation and monsoonal variability. The present study of core MD981294 implied lower temperature and precipitation during the lowest sea-level stage (LGM), and more visibly testified that the vegetation of the flat plain on the exposed continental shelf was dominated by intrazonal communities such as halophyte grasslands and freshwater wetlands instead of zonal steppe or semi-arid desert .All above evidence demonstrated that the fundamental changes of pollen assemblage and their origins in Okinawa Trough since ~ 200 ka BP were affected by combine factors including the coastline position and the climate fluctuation. Moreover, the substantial shortening of distance between shoreline and the Okinawa Trough driven by orbital insolation cycles was clearly indicated by the pollen spectra, whereas the source-area climate signal of the pollen record was largely weakened.
招商银行: 招商银行成立于1987年4月8日,是我国第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,总行设在深圳。招商银行作为市场后进入者,从开始运作即面临残酷竞争。 20世纪90
[关键词]京津冀,一体化,新北京,近代中国  早些天,《历史教学》编辑部和我联系,希望我从一个历史学者的视角谈谈国家现在提出的京津冀一体化,剖析下历史上有什么可资借鉴的经验。其实很多年来,自从开始做历史研究以来,我基本没有写过和现实有关的题目,因为我的专业毕竟是历史,而不是现实。  这一次我欣然接受了《历史教学》编辑部的建议,主要是因为这件事与我们的生活密切相关,也与我个人的关切相近。几年前,在自
本文从应用观点出发,阐述了计算微光夜视仪探测距离的新方法,给出了计算公式和计算实例,可用于微光夜视仪的总体设计及性能评价。 This article from the application point