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铁道部与广东省合建正线长187公里总投资131.6亿元计划2011年建成张德江刘志军黄华华等领导出席开工仪式经国家发展改革委批准,广州至珠海铁路正式启动建设。9月26日,铁道部、广东省在广珠铁路珠海高栏港站区联合举行了广州至珠海铁路建设动广珠铁路项目早在14年前经国家计委立项,10年前正式开工。原项目定为广东省自筹资金,由珠海、江门、广铁集团共同出资,干线工程概算约为30多亿元,4年建成。然而,开工不到一年半,因为资金问题被迫停工。复工的广珠铁路按照政府主导、多元化投资、市场化运作的方式,由铁道部、广东省及沿线珠海、江门政府共同筹资建设,在最新的设计中,投资估算总额已增至131.6亿元,其中资本金为总投资的40%,由铁道部、广东省、珠海市和江门市按比例出资,其余部分通过银行融资。广珠铁路设11个车站,按国铁I级标准建造,全线电气化,设计时速为120公里,初期为货运,预留客运条件。《《链接:广珠铁路投资由30多亿增至131.6亿(上接第18页) Ministry of Railways and Guangdong Province is 187 kilometers long with a total investment of 131.6 billion yuan Total investment plan was completed in 2011 Zhang Dejiang Liu Zhijun Huang Huahua and other leaders attended the opening ceremony Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, Guangzhou to Zhuhai Railway officially started construction. On September 26, the Ministry of Railways and Guangdong jointly held the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway Construction Zhuhai-Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Zhuhai Railway project on the Guangzhu Railway Zhuhai Gaolan Port Station Area. The project was officially started 10 years ago by the State Development Planning Commission as early as 14 years ago. The original project was set aside for self-financing by Guangdong Province. It was jointly funded by Zhuhai, Jiangmen and Guangzhou Railway Group. The proposed budget of the main line project was about 3 billion yuan and was completed in 4 years. However, it took less than a year and a half to start working because of funding problems that were forced to stop working. The Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway, which is reworking, has been jointly financed by the Ministry of Railways, Guangdong Province and the governments of Zhuhai and Jiangmen along the lines of the government-led, diversified investment and market-oriented operation. In the latest design, the estimated investment has increased to 13.16 billion yuan , Of which 40% of the total investment capital, by the Ministry of Railways, Guangdong Province, Zhuhai City and Jiangmen City, a pro rata contribution, the rest through bank financing. Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway is located 11 stations, according to the National Railway Class I standard construction, electrification across the board, the design speed of 120 km, the initial shipment, set aside passenger conditions. “” Link: Guangzhou-Zhuhai railway investment increased from 30 billion to 13.16 billion (Continued from page 18)
本文作者根据电气化铁路运营实践,阐述了串联电容补偿对提高牵引网电压的作用,并举例介绍了有关计算方法。 According to the operation of electric railway, the author e
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结合当前铁路提速对货车车体检修质量的要求,根据铁道部相关文件、电报要求,对加强车体检修质量及方法提出了建议。 Combined with the current railway speed requirements
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