完善管理办法 搞好科研财务工作

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近几年,我们在科研任务增加、设备与设施技术改造任务重、技术要求高,需要更多的经费的情况下,由于改革了科研经费管理办法,加强宏观控制,严格预算审核,合理分配使用经费,尽管物价上涨,经费实际保障能力下降,仍实现了当年预算收支平衡,并做到略有节余。在有限的经费内,保障了科研试验任务和设备、设施技术改造的完成。一、改革预算管理办法,实行分级负责制。“六五”期间,科研费采取切块分配,预算经费分成几项,由机关业务部门、财务部门和使用单位各掌握一块,由此造成经费与任务相脱节,经费大量超支。为此,我们一方面将分散的财权收回,集中到财务部门,经费的分配、调整、使用及拨款、报销、结算等,统一 In recent years, with the increase of scientific research tasks, the heavy task of equipment and facilities technological transformation, the high technical requirements and the need for more funds, the reform of the scientific research funding management measures, the strengthening of macro-control, the rigorous budget review and the rational distribution of usage In spite of the rising prices and the drop in the actual protection of funds, the current budget balance of payments for the year has still been achieved and a slight savings has been achieved. Within the limited funds, the protection of the scientific research and testing tasks and equipment, facilities, technical transformation of the completion. First, reform the budget management approach, the implementation of a hierarchical responsibility system. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, scientific research fees will be distributed in different ways and the budget will be divided into several items, each of which will be grasped by the departments of business, finance and users. As a result, funding will be out of line with the tasks and the funds will be heavily overspent. Therefore, on the one hand, we will take back the scattered property rights, concentrate on the financial department, allocate, adjust, use and allocate funds, reimbursement and settlement, and unify
伶伦,传说中的音乐人物,亦称泠伦,相传为黄帝时代的乐官,是发明律吕据以制乐的始祖。 Ling-ling, the legendary music figure, also known as Ling-Lun, according to lege
我见过残荷。  一汪清水,在秋天高远的天空下格外碧澄,清楚地印出荷梗的影子。它们个个低着头,干枯而瘦长的躯干全然不如数月前的丰腴。它是为如今自己的丑相抬不起头来,低头之下藏着什么,还是因娇气受不住秋之萧瑟而极度缺乏养分,心灵濒死?总之,这就是秋之荷塘,无半点吸引力。  邻居的老爷爷爱好种花,他的家里好似一个微型植物园:挺拔的有文竹、栀枝,盘曲的有葫芦,当中不乏花之君子——荷花。若不是见着杆顶那个极
新疆的维吾尔族和哈萨克族是能歌善舞的民族,乐器是他们生活中不可缺少的“伴侣”。许多维吾尔族人不仅会弹奏一到两种乐器,而且家里还常备有弹拨尔、热瓦甫等乐器。 Uighur
小麦纹枯病是目前江苏省小麦生产的主要问题之一。作者于1985—86和1986—87年度分别在无锡和南京研究了不同发病期及不同病情严重度对产量构成因子的影响。 方法和结果 (一)