
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tju515
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近日,“第四届中法医学研讨会”在中国西安盛大召开,会议公布了“法国医学科学院塞维雅奖”获奖名单。我刊《现代生物医学进展》名誉主编,中国工程院院士、苏州大学博士生导师阮长耿教授凭借其多年来对血液疾病的研究以及中法医学科学合作交流等方面的杰出贡献而获此殊荣,这对我国医学科学事业的发展具有重要意义。“法国医学科学院塞维雅奖”于2013年设立,每年评选一次,由法国医学科学院院士在法国投票评选终定,用以表彰在中国医学科学技术及管理领域有重要发现、发明,并有显著应用成效的科学家,以及为中法医学科学合作交流做出杰出贡献的科技工 Recently, the Fourth Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Xi’an, China. The conference announced the winners of the Prize of the Seychelles Prize of the French Academy of Medical Sciences. I published “Modern Progress in Biomedicine,” honorary editor of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Suzhou University doctoral tutor Professor Nguyen Chang Geng by virtue of its many years of research on blood diseases and Sino-French medical cooperation and exchange of science and so outstanding contribution to this award, which China The development of medical science is of great significance. “The Seychelles Prize of the French Academy of Medical Sciences ” was established in 2013 and is awarded annually. The academicians of the French Academy of Medical Sciences voted for the final vote in France in recognition of important discoveries and inventions in the field of medical science, technology and management in China. Scientists who have achieved remarkable results and scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the exchange of medical science in China and France
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